
\\ Tele-Lectures\ Lecture Series\ Online-Archives


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Online Archives - Perspectives on networked knowledge spaces


The public workshop "Online Archives - Perspectives on Networked Knowledge Spaces" took place from 25 - 26 October 2002 in Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany. It was organized by the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication. The event was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


netzspannung.org's progress to the second stage of the platform's development provided an opportunity to analyze the project. International experts were invited to the joint discussion. The objective was to identify further development potential for and perspectives on networked knowledge spaces. What possibilities are offered by Web technologies for presenting digital cultures? What requirements or even constraints are there? How can knowledge spaces be created on the Internet? Can they be transferred to real spaces?


› Welcome Address  
› I. netzspannung.org in Context: Internet Platforms for Media Art  
› II. Knowledge Visualisation: Methods and Technologies for Representing Knowledge  
› III. Extensible Multimedia-Information-Management-Systems  
› IV. Knowledge Spaces and Ambient Spaces  
› Closing Remark  
› Concluding Discussion  


› Alex Adriaansen | › Staffan Björk | › Gabriele Blome | › Gerhard M. Buurmann  | › Jochen Denzinger | › Danijela Djokic | › Michael Edlund | › Kurt Fendt | › Monika Fleischmann 1 | › 2 | › Hans Rainer Friedrich | › Martin Grothmaak | › Maarten Handstede | › Rochus Hartmann | › Eric Kluitenberg | › Joachim Köhler | › Hyowon Lee | › Stefano Mazzocchi | › Katharina Morik | › Jasminko Novak | › Sebastian Oschatz | › Stefan Paal 1 | › 2 | › Daniel Pfuhl | › Ben Schouten | › Wolfgang Strauss | › Minna Tarka | › Mark Tribe | › Max Wolf | › Bruce Wyman
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Welcome Address

Monika Fleischmann

Head of MARS-Exploratory Media Lab, FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Welcome Address

› Video [RealMedia | 6 Min.]  
› About Monika Fleischmann  

Hans Rainer Friedrich

Ministerialdirektor, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bonn, Germany
Welcome Address

› Video [RealMedia | 14 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Hans Rainer Friedrich  
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I. netzspannung.org in Context - Internet Platforms for Media Art

Subjects such as production, distribution, connectivity, collaboration, communication, theory building, publication, education, archives and public displays form the basic requirements of the 'electronic arts community' on a media art internet platform. Panel 1 will outline and discuss different strategies and concepts, together with their various areas of focus and different approaches.

Gabriele Blome

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Introduction and Moderation

› Video [RealMedia | 10 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Gabriele Blome  

Monika Fleischmann

Head of MARS-Exploratory Media Lab, FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
"netzspannung.org - Competence Center for Media Art and Knowledge Discovery"

› Video [RealMedia | 26 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Monika Fleischmann  

Alex Adriaansen

Head of V2_Lab, Rotterdam, Netherlands
"Conditions of the Information Society"

› Video [RealMedia | 32 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Alex Adriaansen  

Eric Kluitenberg

deBalie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
"The digital Balie: Open Archives as actual Practice"

› Video [RealMedia | 38 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Eric Kluitenberg  

Minna Tarka

m-cult, Helsinki, Finland
"Trouble in the Media: Hybrid Practice, hybrid Discourses"

› Video [RealMedia | 35 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Minna Tarka  
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II. Knowledge Visualisation: Methods and Technologies for Representing Knowledge

Digital media allow and require more in-depth strategies in order to contextualise, visualise and communicate contents. Various interactive approaches will be presented from the fields of knowledge discovery and information design.

Stefan Paal

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Introduction and Navigation

› Video [RealMedia | 6 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Stefan Paal  

Jasminko Novak

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
"Knowledge Management and Visualisation for Expert-Communities in netzspannung.org"

› Video [RealMedia | 29 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Jasminko Novak  

Katharina Morik

Professorship for Artificial Intelligence, Faculty Informatics, University Dortmund, Germany
"Knowledge Discovery and Knowledge Visualisation"

› Video [RealMedia | 21 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Katharina Morik  

Gerhard M. Buurman

Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Zürich, Switzerland
"Theme Machine - A prototypical Literature Data Base Query and Analysis System"

› Video [RealMedia | 29 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Gerhard M. Buurman  

Rochus Hartmann

Fachhochschule Anhalt-Dessau, Faculty Design, Germany
"Project Prometheus - The digital Image as Teaching and Learning Medium in Art History, Archaeology and History of Design"

› Video [RealMedia | 34 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Rochus Hartmann  

Maarten Handstede

V2_Lab, Rotterdam, Netherlands
"Dataviews and Dataclouds"

› Video [RealMedia | 19 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Maarten Handstede  

Danijela Djokic & Martin Grothmaak

Projekttriangle, Stuttgart, Germany
"Inform: Matrix-based Information Interface and Crytesthesia in Networked Systems"

› Video [RealMedia | 22 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Danijela Djokic  
› About Martin Grothmaak  

Ben Schouten

Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, Netherlands
"Interfaces to explore (Visual) Information by Visual Means"

› Video [RealMedia | 27 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Ben Schouten  
Top of Page

III. Extensible Multimedia-Information-Management-Systems

In order to develop a multimedia-information-management-system, new data structures are needed which dynamically allow structural, time-based and spatial functionalities and relationships to be mapped to each other and modified. This panel will focus on the requirements for developing a highly modular information management system which can be extended flexibly and efficiently. This is of particular relevance in relation to storage, access, retrieval and the presentation of large volumes of heterogeneous media data.

Daniel Pfuhl

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Introduction and Navigation

› Video [RealMedia | 5 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Daniel Pfuhl  

Stefan Paal

FhG-Institut für Medienkommunikation, Sankt Augustin, Germany
"Distributed Extension of Internet-Community Systems"

› Video [RealMedia | 24 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Stefan Paal  

Hyowon Lee

Fishlar, Dublin City University, Irland
"Fischlar Digital Video: An Online TV Programme Recording, Analysis and Browsing System"

› Video [RealMedia | 24 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Hyowon Lee  

Joachim Köhler

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
"iFinder: Die MPEG-7 Compilant Multimedia Indexing and Archiving Solution "

› Video [RealMedia | 21 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Joachim Köhler  

Kurt Fendt

MIT Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts, USA
"MetaMedia - An open Platform for Media Annotation and Sharing"

› Video [RealMedia | 22 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Kurt Fendt  

Stefano Mazzocchi

apache.org, Forest Hill, USA
"The Economy of Distributed Metadata Authoring"

› Video [RealMedia | 35 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Stefano Mazzocchi  
Top of Page

IV. Knowledge Spaces and Ambient Spaces

The question of how Internet platforms and databases can be implemented not just metaphorically, but also in a physically real sense - i.e. as knowledge spaces that can be entered and understood - is one of the potential lines of development as the mobile, omnipresent, networked computer disappears. The last panel of the workshop focuses on strategies for mixed reality and thus the overlayering and fusion of physical and electronic knowledge spaces.

Jochen Denzinger

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Introduction and Navigation

› Video [RealMedia | 7 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Jochen Denzinger  

Wolfgang Strauss

FhG-Institute Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Germany
"netzspannung.org as an Accessible Knowledge Space: An Architectual Approach to Data Bases"

› Video [RealMedia | 19 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Wolfgang Strauss  

Bruce Wyman

Nearlife Inc., Cambridge, USA
"Interfaces and Experience Lessons learned from Museum Exhibits"

› Video [RealMedia | 28 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Bruce Wyman  

Sebastian Oschatz & Max Wolf

meso - digital media systems design, Frankfurt, Germany
"Developing Interactive Irritainment-Spaces with vvvv"

› Video [RealMedia | 41 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Sebastian Oschatz  
› About Max Wolf  

Staffan Björk

Play Interactive Institute, Göteborg, Sweden
"PLAY - Experimental in Ubiqitous Computing"

› Video [RealMedia | 37 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Staffan Björk  
Top of Page

Closing Remark

Mark Tribe

Rhizome.org, New York, USA
Closing Remark

› Video [RealMedia | 40 Min.]  
› Database Entry  
› About Mark Tribe  
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Concluding Discussion

Michael Edlund

Helloworld Media, Stockholm, Schweden
Concluding Discussion

› Video [RealMedia | 47 Min.]  
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For further Informartions about the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK click » here.
All the lectures at the workshop were recorded. Those given in German were simultaneously translated. For this reason you can hear all the contributions in English. The simultaneous translation was conducted by Sabine Niewalda, conference interpreter, Essen, Germany, and Susan Ring, conference interpreter, Ringinterpreting, Wuppertal, Germany.

To view the tele-lectures, you will need RealPlayer, which can be downloaded free of charge from » http://www.real.com
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