\\ Community\ Netzkollektor\ Showcase |
netzkollektor is an open channel of netzspannung.org. Media artists, scholars, designers and developers publish here, their media art projects, technological developments, texts and events. The articles are not modified by the editorial team. The authors alone are responsible for the content.
2010 Germany |  | Klaus W. Eisenlohr, André Werner
Directors Lounge 2010...Berlin’s art and media flâneurs lounge in a new art space at Pfefferberg, Berlin. ›more | netzkollektor event 2/7/10 |
2009-2010 Germany |  | Matthias Lehmann
earth net art...VIRTUELLE KUNST AUF GOOGLE EARTH ›more | netzkollektor project 1/25/10 |
2007 Germany |  | Georg Schuetz
Superbertram.com...Seeing everything, forgetting nothing. ›more | netzkollektor project 12/3/07 |
2007 Germany |  | Thomas Helbig, Knuth Heller
www.extended-view.de...ein Projekt von Knuth Heller und Thomas Helbig ›more | netzkollektor project 11/21/07 |
2007 Switzerland |  | Stefan Baltensperger
SMS...von Informations- zu kommunikationstechnologie ›more | netzkollektor report 11/19/07 |
2005 Switzerland |  | Stefan Baltensperger
electro tag*...Projekt im öffentlichem Raum ›more | netzkollektor project 11/19/07 |
2006 Switzerland |  | Stefan Baltensperger
die Reise...Videoarbeit mit Buchdokumentation aus dem JAhr 2006 ›more | netzkollektor project 11/19/07 |
2006 Switzerland |  | Stefan Baltensperger
Perspektiven...Die Installation «Perspektiven» visualisiert das Sichtfeld des Menschen, den Glauben zu wissen, zu verstehen. ›more | netzkollektor project 11/19/07 |
2007 Germany |  | Stefan Riebel
ArtErasa...Internationale Kunstbereinigungen ›more | netzkollektor project 11/16/07 |
2007 Germany |  | Marc Grimm
HappyReal...CPU-Shooter research ›more | netzkollektor project 11/15/07 |
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |