Rochus Hartmann

Projekt Prometheus - The Digital Image as Teaching and Learning Medium in Art History, Archaeology and History of Design

lecture given at the workshop "online-archives: perspectives on networked knowledge spaces"

Rochus Hartmann

Rochus Hartmann

Media Files


Within the framework of the programme "New Media in Education", the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) funds the project "The digital image as teaching and learning medium in art history and archaeology". Work started in April 2001 combining ‚Prometheus‘, partners with expert competencies in the areas of art history, archaeology, history of design, information technology, educational theory, media didactics and media design.

Project aim
The partners involved put together an internet-based platform that gathers distributed digital image archives on the one hand and on the other hand makes available didactic modules for the reference and self-study in the subjects art history, archaeology and history of design. Digital image and text resources of the participating institutions will be networked independent of location and system, they will be processed in line with media didactics and made available to the students and teachers for research and teaching purposes. A central issue is the media-specific visualization of the digital research (‚TimeLine‘). Via dynamic volume and relational presentations, large volumes of text and data can be registered at a glance and their use facilitated.

Artists / Authors



Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication MARS-Exploratory Media Lab



Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany


» http://netzspannung.…hops/online-archives/


, Apr 10, 2003

