\\ Learning\ Intro |
Ideas for and examples of art pedagogical and media artistic work Learning media art presents examples of creative processes and lesson examples for teaching art with digital media, and aims to build up a comprehensive archive of teaching units. The projects featured here, which partly originated within the scope of the » KUBIM development programme, were structured and multimedially prepared as theory, practice and technology modules. School pupils, students, artists and teachers will find all kinds of ideas and suggestions for teaching media art to different age groups at various educational levels and also for integrating new media e.g. in German and Art lessons. Infoflyer for Learning Media Art: › Screen Version [PDF | 4 MB], › Print Version [PDF | 10 MB] (Only available in German) Brochure about Teaching with digital media: › [PDF | 3 MB] (Only available in German)
Learning matrix This › matrix is a navigation tool for the learning area and provides an overall view of the teaching approaches of the model projects presented here. It shows the type of educational establishment and educational level that each project is suitable for, as well as the core themes dealt with in the teaching of the new media. Not only does the matrix give an overview of all the model projects, furthermore all the individual teaching units of the projects are once again separately presented here, allocated in terms of the two headings type of educational establishment/educational level and content/main focuses. The matrix can be called up via the interface switch in the left menu bar.
Learning archive All teachers can build up the netzspannung.org archive of teaching models by adding their own teaching concepts tested out in practice. In "netzkollektor", the platform`s public input channel, users can enter their contribution, making it accessible to other teachers. › netzkollektor input
Types of educational establishments and educational levels |
University › Codekit is a model project for art students, introducing Java programming for artistic productions. The › Hypermedia tele-lecture teaches art history multimedially. The music tools of › Me[i]Mus can also be used for Music lessons at University.
Workshops The workshop › I see what you hear was run with a heterogeneous group of art and art therapy students as well as highly gifted young people. They designed interfaces with the aid of theremins.
Art & aesthetics In › Scrap Metal Robot, school pupils design assemblages that are brought to life. In the › Patches of Grass - project, they experiment with different drawing techniques, using them to depict, imitate and reinvent an area of lawn. In › ScanMan they scan objects with mobile equipment to create images with a painterly effect that are generated spontaneously and intuitively. The practical artistic work in the › Scissors animation project involves among other things drawing with coloured pencils and painting with opaque colours: the subsequent object animation leads to a clown-like circus trick. In the › World of Dragons, children construct scenery and props which react visually and acoustically to events on stage. In › Real, Unreal, No real difference? school pupils use self-made soft statues and painted holographic images to create an interactive installation. The artistic creativity in the › Scampers project lies in designing the scampering objects and in shaping the interactive concept of the installation. In › Magic of Objects traditional art lessons are combined with digital graphic design and typography. › Images of fight, › Sound Images and › Cloning around are about teaching art history. In the workshop › I see, what you hear, the participants design and create various interface objects with theremins.
Programming & technology In › World of Dragons children program an interactive stage. In "witchcraft" pupils and others play scenes with witches invented by themselves. In "Images of fight" they put details of paintings in scene and in the project "Sorcerer's Apprentice" (all under development) stage direction is part of the task. The children participating in the project "Mimicry Charts" perform sign language. The › Scampers project teaches school pupils to handle programming software so that they can create an interactive installation. In › Scrap Metal Robot schoolchildren learn control techniques as a first step towards programming. › Tinguely meets Fischli/Weiss is a computer-controlled chain reaction. In the workshop › I see, what you hear, the participants solder the theremins themselves, which they incorporate afterwards in interactive installations. In › Codekit art students learn to use a Java programme archive for creating media art projects.
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |