\\ netzspannung.org\ About\ Privacy Policy |
netzspannung.org Privacy Statement |
netzspannung.org is committed to handling personal data with complete confidentiality, and pledges not to sell this data or forward it to third parties. We will never forward personal data unless obliged to by law. Personal data will only be published in netzspannung.org if the person involved has agreed to this publication.
Registration In order to use the netzspannung.org Internet platform actively, registration is required. By registering, you accept the › Terms of Use of netzspannung.org.
When submitting a contribution to the › netzkollektor, please provide your name, your e-mail address and your postal address. This information is necessary so that we can keep track of who has transferred the rights to use the submitted text and media files to us. You decide whether your e-mail address is to be published on the platform alongside the contributions you have submitted.
By registering in the › Profile you can present your qualifications and skills in a professional, media-cultural context.
netzspannung.org will provide all registered users with information about new activities or organised events. If you only wish to register for netzspannung.org's information service, we simply need your name and e-mail address. None of your personal data will be evaluated. In particular, we never provide any data to third parties, and this data will not be used for our own marketing purposes.
Statistical information netzspannung.org statistically and anonymously analyses the number and type of accesses to its web site. This information may be used for artistic or design projects - e.g. for an active netzspannung.org/logo. From this statistical data nobody will derive connections to personal information such as the e-mail address or name of an individual user.
Storing temporary Cookies In order to facilitate login and personalised communication between the user's computer and the netzspannung.org server, the server places Cookies on the user's computer. The Cookies are only used for communication with the netzspannung.org server, and are automatically deleted when the Internet browser is exited. This is a widely-used and accepted standard procedure for personalised access to web-based Internet systems (including for personalised language selection, complex search queries, login, etc.).
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |