Media Flow - an interface for exploring the data base of

With the new archive-browser of Fraunhofer IAIS - MARS Exploratory Media Lab works or lectures by media artists and scientists move like a flow of thoughts in front of the viewer. ›  The Media Flow Browser was nominated for the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2009. ›  More

In a few days will be closed and as a "frozen" archive passed to the ZKM for exhibition and research purposes and for maintenance. will remain online. If you would input your project now into the netzkollektor, it will be part of the archive. ›  more - Performing the Archive / Exhibition at ZKM

Until August, 2009 the ZKM in Karlsruhe shows YOU_ser: The Consumer Century. This exhibition addresses the impact of net-based, global creation on Art and society. Under the title » - Performing the Archive »  Fleischmann & »  Strauss and their team from Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems present several spatial and timebased interfaces accessing the Web 2.0 platform and the digital sparks competition. ›  more

digital sparks 08 - award ceremony at the emaf!

Federal Minister Dr. Anette Schavan acknowledges the laureates of the ›  digital sparks award. The ›  jury ›  awarded three projects with production grants and six additional nominees as honorary mentions. The award ceremony was at the European Media Art Festival »  EMAF in Osnabruck. ›  more

Wissensarchive [knowledge archives]
Presentation of online platforms

From 26 January to 10 February 2008, »  Monika Fleischmann and »  Wolfgang Strauss and Fraunhofer IAIS - eCultureFactory present the exhibition »  "Wissensarchive - Online-Plattformen" with following exhibits: »  digital sparks Matrix, »  Medienfluss and »  Semantic Map at the »  Edith-Ruß-Haus for media art, Oldenburg. »  more

digital sparks 08 - competition running out!

Until December 9, 2007 ›  digital sparks 08 is open for submissions. Students and graduates of all disciplines whose work is linked to media art, media design, media IT and media architecture can submit their projects on ”digitals sparks 08” is a student media project competition of higher education institutions in Germany, Austria and Swizerland.

eCulture Factory awarded "Place of Ideas"

On November 24th the ZKM - Center for Art and Media together with the ›  eCulture Factory project of Fraunhofer IAIS will host an event of talks and presentations at the ZKM - Media Museum on the occasion of being awarded "Place of ideas". The event is held accompanying the exhibition ›  "YOU_ser: The Century of the Consumer" featuring among others ›  " - performing the archive". ›  more

Dutch Electronic Art Festival

The eighth »  Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF) takes place in Rotterdam from April 10th to 29th. On April 12th experts of the field of documentation and archiving of media art gather to exchange information about their current activities in a public seminar about »  Connected Archives. Gabriele Blome and Wolfgang Strauss talk about ”Semantic Connections”.

eCulture Factory at CeBIT fair

»  Fraunhofer IAIS'”eCulture Factory” exhibits its latest developments at CeBIT fair from March 15th to 21st and is awarded in the Germany-wide competition »  365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas on March 16th. ›  more

eCulture in the Informatics Year

In the context of the Informatics Year 2006 the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab is planning and organizing events, that are located at the interface of art and informatics. ›  more

eCulture Factory News

The interactive video puzzle ”Stadtkörper” was awarded in the competition of the Stuttgarter Filmwinter. More about ›  Stadtkörper

The eCulture Factory offers internships and jobs for freelancers. ›  more (German)

digital sparks 06:
Submit your project now!

”TANGIBLE - HEARABLE - VISIBLE: Bringing the digital into the space” that is the motto of the digital sparks competition 2006. Until February 15 th of students and graduates of all disciplines whose work is linked to media art, media design, media IT and media architecture can submit their projects on ›  more

Leonardo's Laptop

In his lecture on November 3rd in Bremen the American computer scientist Ben Shneiderman described the requirements of future computer applications. The video documentation is available ›  here.

Art and Music - New Media at School

The project group ”Innovations in the education system” of the German ”Bund-Länder-Kommission” recommends ›  more

MEDIDA-PRIX 2005 Nomination

Learning about and teaching media art - a module of the education platform among the 10 finalists of the MEDIDA-PRIX 2005. ›  more

MARS at the Futuresonic Festival 2005

»  Monika Fleischmann and »  Wolfgang Strauss present MARS at ”Creative VR Futures” on the Futuresonic Festival, 21 - 24 Juli 2005 in Manchester. ›  more

Among the "50 Best" of the \\international\media\prize 2005 is nominated for the \\international\media\prize 2005 for Science and Art. ›  mehr

Nomination for Grimme Online Award is nominated - one of 28 nominations out of 1400 entries. ›  more

iF design award 2005

The Fraunhofer MARS Lab's production Energie_Passagen is awareded the iF communication design award 2005. ›  more

New Media in art lessons - media art learning

A conference about the use of for art lessons, 15 June 2005, 11:30 bis 4:00 pm Uhr at the Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechenarchitektur und Softwaretechnik FIRST, Berlin. ›  more

Gambling away the digital heritage?

Lecture by »  Monika Fleischmann at the conference "Continuity and Creativity", 11 June 2005, Alte Schmiede, Hallein/A.

Bremen Hilton Lecture

”Bridging the Gap between Vision and Reality”. A lecturey by »  Monika Fleischmann & »  Wolfgang Strauss at Bremen Multimedial, Hilton Hotel Bremen, 8 June 2005, 2 pm. news

The statistics tool ›  Most wanted and a new ›  netzkollektor-digest are online. Call for entries: Please submit your projects about "Communicate & Take Part" and "Explore Information/Create Knowledge" on ›  more Video 2005

The video presents the different sections of and provides an exemplary overview of the platform's content.
›  [Real Media | 3:33 Min.] in the new year

The CAT project - ­Communication, Art and Technology - will end with the closing of the year 2004 and hence the support of Therefore the MARS team is looking for new partners and supporters to be able to continue the platform. Read ›  more about the current activities.

Energie_Passagen (Energy_Passages) - Installation in public space in Munich

As part of the initiative "Ortstermine 2004 - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum" - Art in Public Space, the MARS exploratory media lab of the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication is showing "Energie_Passagen" in Salvator Platz, Munich - an installation which explores the linguistic space of the city. Finissage of the exhibition: 29 November at 7 pm. ›  more

Relaunch: Feedback wanted

Along with the relaunch of the platform users are provided with new functionalities. Now we are working on optimizing these new features/functionalities.

Your comments and suggestions relating to our new website are welcome! Please send us your feedback! › team

Relaunch of on 24 June 2004

Innovative interfaces, improved navigation and new content as well as teaching concepts relating to art with digital media: ›  Media art research, ›  Learning, ›  Lectures. ›  more

(2008/11/20 )