is an Internet platform for digital art and culture. It is both a knowledge space and a research laboratory, and offers content and tools for discovering knowledge. ›  mehr
›  Video [Real Media | 3:33 Min.]

Media art research

Media art research analyzes topics such as knowledge discovery, participation and cultural heritage, and shows projects at the interface between art, science, design and technology. ›  mehr


documents the media-cultural discourse in art, society and research with ›  lectures by prominent artists, scholars and scientists, with texts of the publication ›  Digitale Transformationen (German) and the exhibition ›  Games.


shows with lesson examples how new media can be employed in artistic and creative teaching units. ›  mehr

digital sparks

The competition for college and university students in the media field provides an insight into teaching in German-speaking institutions of higher education. ›  mehr


Archive offers different accesses to digital art and culture via Classic View, Semantic Map and an archive browser. ›  mehr


Artists and others working in the field of media culture profile themselves and their projects in the platform's open area, "Netzkollektor". ›  mehr

What's new

an overview of the latest news about and the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab. ›  mehr

(2005/09/28 )