\\ netzspannung.org\ Workshops\ Learning |
Online media art learning modules |
6 February 2003, Fraunhofer- IuK office, Berlin
So far hardly any practical learning offers connected with developing works of media art are available on the Internet. The teaching of media art seems to be too bound up in individual competencies and concepts for any kind of standard knowledge to emerge that could be taken as a general basis for such teaching.
However, in recent years various initiatives and projects have explored concepts aimed at discovering how school pupils and college students might be introduced to practical artistic work with new media.
The objective of the workshop was to establish to what extent the experience gained during these initiatives and projects could be applied to an online learning offer relating to media-artistic education on the netzspannung.org platform.
The results of the following projects were presented:
In the view of the experts, online learning in the field of media-cultural education must be linked with real actual "classroom" teaching. In the light of current knowledge, purely "virtual" concepts seem less sensible. After all, it should not be forgotten that social locations, communication and pedagogical support are important especially for acquiring media-artistic content. The potential of combining online and actual "classroom" teaching in different ways remains to be gauged. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is that media-cultural education involves very disparate target groups.
For these reasons, a modular or project-oriented structure of the online offering at netzspannung.org seemed most appropriate. The participants presented the results of the individual projects and discussed to what extent it would be possible to offer individual approaches and concepts on the platform.
This workshop formed the starting point for developing the Learning area at netzspannung.org. Subsequently, the netzspannung.org team worked out a concept of how particular approaches could be presented on the platform.
Invited experts
Thomas Bendig Fraunhofer IuK, Berlin Prof. Dr. Dieter Daniels Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig Rudolf Frieling Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe Prof. Dr. Michael Herczeg Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems, University of Lübec Herbert Hoßmann Behörde für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Hamburg Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Huber State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart Prof. Gyula Racz Hochschule für Katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikerziehung, Regensburg Gerda Sieben Institute for Education and Culture, Remscheid Prof. Torsten Stapelkamp University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann Academy of Media Arts, Köln Dr. Oliver Grau Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute of Art History
The details about the institutions and functions of the participants are valid as of February 2003.
Participants netzspannung.org-Team
» Monika Fleischmann Head of the MARS Exploratory Media Lab
» Wolfgang Strauss Media Artist and Architect
Gabriele Blome Art Historian
Jochen Denzinger Designer
Katja Heckes Art Historian
Daniel Pfuhl Information Scientist
The Members of the netzspannung.org team work at the MARS Exploratory Media Lab at the Fraunhofer - Institut for Media Communication in Sankt Augustin near Bonn.
 © 2004-2009 Fraunhofer IAIS.MARS and the authors |