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- living in mixed realities
cast01 // conference on communication of art, science and technology, 21. - 22. September 2001, Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin / Bonn
// Wolfgang Strauss
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What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real-virtual space?

Mixed Reality Architectures, which connect processes in virtual space to social environments and cultural practices of physical places create new forms of collaborative work, human-centred interaction and awareness of dislocated people.

cast01 invites artists and scientists to present artistic productions and technologies that address these challenges. Theorists should discuss aesthetic concepts and new media formats. cast01 is interested to confront innovative artistic practices with the forefront of research and development of information technologies.

cast01 invites submissions of innovative research, media art practice and theory. We are looking for ground breaking concepts and projects on topics like: Semantic Web, Mixed Reality, Advanced Interfaces and Future Media Spaces that symbolise the influence of information technology on patterns of life and work in a networked society.

cast01 submissions (english or german) may be in the form of research papers or artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters of developing concepts. Researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners and entrepreneurs are encouraged to submit interdisciplinary projects and critical reflections on the merging of the virtual and the real.

cast01 is organised by netzspannung.org and the GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology // IMK.MARS-Exploratory Media Lab.

Submission deadline: May 31, 2001


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¬cast01 Special
¬Issue 0