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Calendar Last update: 15. September 2003
2003 -12 -11 -10 -09 -08 -07 -06 -05 -04 -03 -02 -01
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-Ontologies and the Semantic Web for E-learning
Special Issue (October 2004) of the Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society

Submission Deadline: 15.12.2003
-WISE '03
4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering

Rom (Italy), 10.-13.12.2003
Submission Deadline: 06.05.2003
-ICOOL 2003
International Conference on Open & Online Learning

Mauritius, 07.-13.12.2003
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New Directions in Interaction: Information Environments, Media & Technology

Brisbane (Australia), 26.-28.11.2003
-VIPER Basel
International Festival for Film, Video and New Media

Basel (Swiss), 21.-25.11.2003
Submisson Deadline 30.06.2003
-EVA 2003
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

Berlin (Germany), 12.-14.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 10.05.2003
-Saving Art for the Nation
International Conference

London (UK), 11.-12.11.2003
-20. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest
Kassel (Germany), 11.-16.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 15.08.2003
-SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing
Elliott Grand Hyatt Hotel, Seattle, Washington (USA), 10.-13.11.2003
-GROUP '03
ACM 2003 International Conference on Supporting Group Work

Sanibel Island, Florida (USA). 09.-12.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 01.06.2003
-Collections, Cultures, Change
Manchester (UK), 07.-09.11.2003
The Unifying Aspects of Cultures

Wien (Austria), 07.-09.11.2003
-Cultural Heritage and Collaboration in the Digital Age
Bangkok (Thailand), 07.-09.11.2003
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education

Pheonix, Arizona (USA), 07.-11.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 30.04.2003
-Wissenskünste II: Bilder jenseits des Bildes
Berlin (Germany), 06.11.2003-05.02.2004
-CHArt 19th Annual Conference: Convergent Practices.
New Approaches to Art and Visual Culture

London (UK), 06.-07.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 30.05.2003
-Balancing Museum Technology and Transformation
Conference of the Museum Computer Network

Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), 04.-08.11.2003
-CIKM '03
12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 03.-08.11.2003
Submission Deadline: 28.05.2003
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New Media in Film

Weimar (Germany), 30.10.-02.11.2003
-E-Culture Fair II
Amsterdam (Netherlands), 23.-24.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 14.04.2003
-K-CAP '03
International Conference on Knowledge Capture 2003

Sanibel Island, Florida (USA), 23.-25.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 02.05.2003
-7. Internet World Germany 2003
Fachmesse für die Internetwirtschaft

Munich (Germany), 20.-24.10.2003
-ISWC 2003
2nd International Semantic Web Conference

Sanibel Island, Florida (USA). 20.-23.10.2003
-KnowTech 2003 - Wissensmanagement - Integration und Innovation
5. Konferenz zum Einsatz von Knowledgemanagement in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung

Munich (Germany), 20.-21.10.2003
-Systems 2003
22. International Trade Fair for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media

Munich (Germany), 20.-24.10.2003
IEEE/WIC 2003 International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence

Peking (China), 13.-17.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 04.04.2003
-CYNETart 03: Transit.
7. Internationales Festival für computergestützte Kunst

Hellerau (Germany), 10.-12.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.03.2003
E-Activities and Intelligent Support in Design and the Built Environment

Istanbul (Turkey), 08.-10.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 25.11.2002
-Mediensammlungen in Deutschland im internationalem Vergleich
Bestände und Zugänge der Mediatheken

Bonn (Germany), 07.-08.10.2003
-Österreichischer Kunsthistorikertag 2003
Im Netz(werk): Kunst-Kunstgeschichte - Politik

Salzburg (Austria), 02.-05.10.2003
-iMage - Beyond Media / artre I Media03
7th International Festival of Architecture in Video

Firenze (Italy), 02.-26.10.2003
Berlin (Germany), 01.-05.10.2003
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-Informatik 2003: Innovative Informatikanwendungen
33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik

Frankfurt/M. (Germany), 29.09.-02.10.2003
Submission Deadline: 15.05.2003
-Die offene Stadt

Kokerei Zollverein, Essen (Germany), bis 28.09.2003
-Bildwissenschaft zwischen Reflexion und Anschauung

Magdeburg (Germany), 24.-28.09.2003
-Digitial Interaction
International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies

Dublin (Ireland), 24.-26.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 01.05.2003
-H2PTM 03
Creating Meaning in Digital Erena. Hypertexts, Hypermedia

Paris (France), 24.-26.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 07.02.2003
-Imagescience between Reflection and Application
International Symposium

Magdeburg (Germany), 24.-28.09.2003
-It works or it networks
Bratislava (Slovakia), 22.-23.09.2003
-International Festival of New Film
Split (Croatia), 22.-28.09.2003
14th International Electronic Art Festival

Sao Paulo (Brasilia), 22.09.-19.10.2003
-6th International short film festival cologne
Cologne (Germany), 16.-21.09.2003
-DeLFI 2003
1. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik

Munich (Germany), 16.-18.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.05.2003
Internationales Festival für Film und neue Medien

Athen (Greece), 15.-25.09.2003
Arbeiten aus der Sammlung

ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany), bis 14.09.2003
-Next 5 Minutes 4
International Festival of Tactical Media

Amsterdam (Netherlands), 11.-14.09.2003
-COSIGN 2003
The 3rd International Conference on Computional Semiotics for Games and New Media

Middlesbrough (UK), 09.-12.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 28.03.2003
-Mensch & Computer 2003
Interaktion in Bewegung

Stuttgart (Germany), 07.-10.09.2003
-Ars Electronica 2003
Code - The Language of our Time

Linz (Austria), 06.-11.09.2003
Seventh International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems

Oxford (UK), 03.-05.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 01.02.2003
-The Good, the Bad and the Irrelevant
The User and the Future of Information and Communication Technologies

Helsinki (Finland), 03.-05.09.2003
Submission Deadline: 10.04.2003
-Summer School Roma
Mixed Realities

Rome (Italy), 01.-12.09.2003
-Deutscher Videokunstpreis 2003/04
Cologne (Germany), 01.09.2003
-INTERACT 2003 - Bringing the Bits together: Ninth IFIP TC13
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Zurich (Switzerland), 01.-09.2003
Submission Deadline: 02.02.2003
Second International Workshop on Presenting and Exploring Heritage of the Web

Prag (Czech Republik), 01.-05.09.2003
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-Turbulent Screen
Die strukturelle Bewegung in Film und Video

Oldenburg (Germany), 29.08.-09.11.2003
-EARLI 2003: Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
Padua (Italy), 26.-30.08.2003
Submission Deadline: 15.05.2003
-HyperText' 03
The Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia

Nottingham (UK), 26.-30.08.2003
Submission Deadline: 30.05.2003
-Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar
Leipzig (Germany), 20.-26.08.2003
-International Festival of Electronic Language 2003
Sao Paulo (Brasilia), 07.-23.08.2003
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-New Forms Festival Vancouver
Vancouver (Canada), 30.07.-02.08.2003
-SIGIR '03
The 26th ACM SIGIR International Symposium on Information Retrieval

Toronto (Canada), 28.07.-01.08.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.01.2003
-SCI 2003
The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

Orlando, Florida (USA), 27.-30.07.2003
-Siggraph 2003
The 30th Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

San Diego, Kalifornien (USA), 27.-31.07.2003
-EVA 2003 Florenz: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts
Culture x Technology' Across Europe & Internationally

London (UK), 22.-26. u. 28.07.2003
-Kurz & Schön
International TV Spot and short Film Competition for young Creatives

Submission Deadline: 20.07.2003
Universität der Künste, Berlin (Germany), 18.-20.07.2003
-3rd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Heidelberg (Germany), 14.-16.07.2003
Submission Deadline: 05.03.2003
-Richard Hamilton
Museum Ludwig, Cologne (Germany), 12.07.-09.11.2003
-UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2003
Digital Pluralism

Gifu (Japan)
Submission Deadline: 12.07.2003
-Beat Zoderer
Der doppelte Boden ist tiefer als man denkt

Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn (Germany), 06.07.-14.09.2003
3rd Industrial Conference on Data Mining

Leipzig (Germany), 05.-07.07.2003
Submission Deadline: 20.03.2003
-Hierarchies of Communication
Karlsruhe (Germany), 04.-06.07.2003
-I-KNOW '03
Industry meets Science: 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management

Graz (Austria), 02.-04.07.2003
Submission Deadline: 17.02.2003
-EUNIS 2003 - Beyond the Network - Innovative Services
9th International Conference of European University Information Systems

Amsterdam (Netherlands), 02.-04.07.2003
3rd International Symposium on Smart Graphics

Heidelberg (Germany), 02.-04.07.2003
Submission Deadline: 07.04.2003
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-EMARE 2003
European Media Artists in Residence Exchange 2003

Application Deadline: 30.06.2003
-Prague Biennale 1
Prag (Czech Republik), 26.06.-26.08.2003
Media Forum of the Moscow International Film Festival

Moskau (Russian Federation), 24.-26.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 15.05.2003
-ED-MEDIA 2003
World Conference on Educational Multimedia/Hypermedia

Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), 23.-28.06.2003
Submission Deadline: March 31 2003
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering

Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), 23.-26.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 05.03.2003
-HCI International 2003
10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction

Kreta (Greece), 22.-27.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.10.2002
-Cybersonica 2003
International Festival of Music and Sound

London (UK), 19.06.-21.06.2003
-7 Festival Internacional de video/arte/electrónica 2003
Lima (Peru), 19.06.-17.08.2003
-404 Object Not Found. What remains of Media Art?
International congress concerning the production, presentation and preservation of Media Art.

Dortmund (Germany), 19.-22.06.2003
-Art 34 Basel
Basel (Switzerland), 18.-23.06.2003
-50. Biennale di Venezia
Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer

Venedig (Italy), 15.06.-02.11.2003
-CSCL '03
Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2003

Bergen (Norway), 14.-18.06.2003
-Laurie Anderson
The record of the time

Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (Germany) 07.06.-19.10.2003
-Auf eigene Gefahr
Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main (Germany), 07.06.-07.09.2003
-Open Cultures
Free Flows of Information and the Politics of the Commons

Wien (Austria), 05.-06.06.2003
-e-Society 2003
IADIS International Conference

Lisbon (Portugal), 03.-06.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 08.01.2003
-Impact Festival 2003
Utrecht (Netherlands), 03.-09.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 01.01.2003
The 3rd International Conference on Computational Science

Melbourne (Australia) und St. Petersburg (Russian Federation), 02.-04.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 10.12.2003
-7. Festival Internacional de / Video / Arte / Electrónica
Lima (Peru), 01.06.-31.08.2003
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-Performing Spaces: Interactions of Art and Architecture
Provoking Sites - Altered Spatial Practices / Blurring Boundaries - Spatial Categories Restated

Berlin (Germany), 31.05.2003
-Stipendium des Landes NRW für Medienkünstlerinnen aus NRW
Application Deadline: 01.05.2003
-digital sparks 03. Student media project competition
Student media project competition

Submission Deadline: 31.05.2003
-Bad Emser Medienkunsttage
Virtuelle Utopien - Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten?

Bad Ems (Germany), 30.05.-01.06.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.01.2003
-Read_me 2.3
Software Art Festival

Helsinki (Finland), 30.-31.05.2003
Submission Deadline: 01.03.2003
-// MUNTADAS On Translation: Das Museum
Dortmund (Germany), 24.05-13.07.2003
-Stephan von Huene
Tune the World

Kunsthalle, Hamburg (Germany), 23.05.-24.08.2003
-6. Fachtagung Wissens- und Informationsmanagement
"Suchmaschinen und Informationsflut"

Cologne (Germany), 23.05.2003
-Hybride Identitäten
Transdisziplinare Diskurse zu 'Taktiken des Egos'

Duisburg (Germany), 23.05.2003
Praktiken des Sekundären

Cologne (Germany), 22.-24.05.2003
-World Education Market 2003
Exhibition and Conference for the International Education Market

Lisbon (Portugal), 20.-23.5.2003,
Submission Deadline: 30.11.2002
-Fünf Engel für das Millennium von Bill Viola
Oberhausen (Germany), 17.05-05.10.2003
Metabolismus und Kommunikation

ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany), 15.05.-24.08.2003
-Art + Communication Festival
Riga (Latvia), 15.-18.05.2003
-Banquete - Metabolism and Communication
Metabolismus und Kommunikation

ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany),14.05.-24.08.2003
-World Wide Video Festival
Amsterdam (Netherlands), 08.-25.05.2003
-Mode = Emotion + Institution in Art + Design
London (UK), 09.-11.05.2003
-Second International Conference on Entertainment Computing
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), 08.-10.05.2003
Submission Deadline: 31.12.2003
-International Architecture Biennial
Rotterdam (Netherlands), 07.05.-07.07.2003
-Obsessions, Compulsion, Collection
A Symposium on Objects, Display Culture, and Interpretation

Banff, Alberta (Canada), 06.-10.05.2003
-Deutscher Museumsbund e.V. Jahrestagung: Museumsarchitektur
Berlin (Germany), 04.-07.05.2003
-49th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Oberhausen (Germany), 01.-06.05.2003
-Information Retrieval and Personalisation on the Internet Special Issue of IEE Proceedings-Software
Submission Deadline: 01.05.2003
-Radiator Festival for New Technology
Nottingham (UK), 01.-11.05.2003
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-WRO 03: Globalica
10th International Media Art Biennale

Wroclaw (Poland), 30.04.-04.05.2003
Submission Deadline: 10.02.2003
-9. Internationales Bauhaus-Kolloquium
Medium Architecture. Transitions in Architectural Dirscorse

Weimar (Germany), 24.04.-27.04.2003
-IST - Information Society Technologies
6th Framework Programme

European Commission
Submission Deadline: 24.04.2003
-EMAF 2003
European Media Art Festival

Osnabruck (Germany), 23.-27.04.2003
Submission Deadline: 08.01.2002
-ICEIS 2003
5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems

Angers (France), 23.-26.04.2003
Submission Deadline: 06.11.2002
-New Media Technology in Everyday Life in Europe
London (UK), 23.-26.04.2003
-Nomadic Transitions. Thinking about Art
Zurich (Switzerland), 10.-12.04.2003
-.hist 2003: History and New Media
Geschichte und neue Medien

Berlin (Germany), 09.-11.04.2003
-WM 2003
Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen

Luzern (Switzerland), 02.-04.04.2003,
Submission Deadline: 30.09.2003
-International Media Art Award 2003
Baden-Baden/Karlsruhe (Germany)
Submission Deadline: 01.04.2003
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-Bildungsmesse 2003
didacta - The Whole World of Education

Nürnberg Karlsruhe (Germany), 31.03.-04.04.2003
-Performing Spaces: Interactions of Art and Architecture,
Session1: Provoking Sites - Altered Spatial Practices

Zurich (Switzerland), 29.03.2003

Chicago, Illinoise (USA), 27.-30.03.2003,
Submission Deadline: 15.01.2003
-Digifest 2003
Electronic Cities

Toronto (Canada), 26.-29.03.2003
-EVA 2003 Florenz
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

Florenz (Italy), 24.-28.03.2003
Submission Deadline: 20.10.2003
1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment

Darmstadt (Germany), 24.-26.03.2003
-Museums and the Web 2003
Charlotte, North Carolina (USA), 19.-22.03.2003
-International Workshop on Semantic Web Foundations and Application Technologies
Nara (Japan), 12.03.2003
-SAC 2003
The 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

Melbourne, Florida (USA), 09.-12.03.2003
Submission Deadline: 06.09.2002
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-Interactive Digital Movie Making
Munich (Germany), 27.02.-06.03.2003
Submission Deadline: 05.02.2003
-DEAF 03
Data Knitting

Rotterdam (Netherlands), 25.02.-09.03.2003
Karlsruhe (Germany), 04.-07.02.2003
The International Festival for Digital Arts

Monaco (Monaco), 03.02.-06.02.2003
-Transmediale 03: Play global
International Media Art Festival Berlin

Berlin (Germany), 01.-05.02.2003
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-Storytelling in Virtual Environments
Sankt Augustin (Germany)
Submission Deadline: 31.01.2003/28.02.2003
Workshop on Immersive Communication and Broadcast Systems

Berlin (Germany), 29.-30.01.2003
Workshop on Designing Personalized User Experience for eCommerce

Hawthorne, New York (USA)/ Helsinki (Finland)
Submission Deadline: 17.01.2003
-Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Festival for Expanded Media

Stuttgart (Germany), (warm-up 09.-15.01.2003) 16.-19.01.2003
-IUI 2003
Intelligent User Interfaces

Miami, Florida (USA), 12.-15.01.2003

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¬Calendar 2004
¬Calendar 2003
¬Calendar 2002
¬cast01 Special
¬Issue 0