
cast01// living in mixed realities

Starting into a new millennium, the ongoing discussions and research around Mixed Realities are a current challenge: they offer new ways of perceiving, new means of applications, new mixtures of awareness for scientists, artists and the public. After the conference on Mixed Reality in Yokohama, in Japan in March 2001, the conference "living in mixed realities" broadens the aspects of Mixed Reality that are under discussion. In contrast to the categories and topic developed there, the contribution of this conference in Schloss Birlinghoven (St. Augustin near Bonn) is in the areas of artistic productions, mixed reality environments, awareness, memory space and knowledge discovery, agents and narrative intelligence, performative interfaces as well as the areas of architectures for the web, hypermedia formats (XML, VRML, MPEG-4, MPEG-7), tracking and vision systems.

netzspannung.org/journal is the special issue that encloses the proceedings of the conference. They represent the broad range of issues that are examined by scientists and artists in this domain.


Die netzspannung steigt

Welcome to the first edition of netzspannung.org/journal, the magazine for media production and inter-media research. netzspannung.org/journal is an editorial module of the netzspannung.org internet platform, which goes online in September 2001.

Telematically collaborative workspaces offer new opportunities but also create new areas of conflict in using electronic space. In this edition, we reflect on conditions for collaborative workspaces and touch on related areas relevant to the set-up of netzspannung.org. The contributions are grouped into the following clusters: medialaboratories, distributed systems, online archives, copyright and intellectual property, experimental media spaces, media laboratories and cultural exchange in the network.


¬Calendar 2004
¬Calendar 2003
¬Calendar 2002
¬cast01 Special
¬Issue 0