Pierre Dutilleux, Christian Müller-Tomfelde


Architecture and Music Laboratory




Media Files


At the forefront of the AML is the relation between sound and space, the goal is to make apprehensible to the visitor the acoustical characteristics of different rooms. The installation is driven by a Graphical User Interface, where the visitor selects a sound and a room among several buttons. (See Fig. AML_ GraphicalUserInterface) On the left side, the sounds are provided in different groups and a microphone allows to listen to the visitor’s voice. The imitated rooms are separated in two groups on the right side: Complex and Basic Shapes. The Complex Shapes reproduce real rooms that were previously measured such as a church, a roman theatre in Orange or a bath-room; and the so-called Basic Shapes imitate geometrical figures such a cube, a sphere or a cylinder. The sounds were recorded, as far as possible, in an anechoic environment, and the reverberation is processed in real-time. (Janer & Dutilleux)

Artists / Authors



Germany, 1995-1997

Partners / Sponsors

A coproduction of ZKM Institute for Music and Acoustics and ZKM MediaMuseum. An important partner was Jot and Warusfel at IRCAM who have derived psychoacoustic parameters from the measured impulse responses in order to drive the room simulation system, based on the "Spatialisateur". Max/FTS and Spatialisateur are licensed from IRCAM / Centre Georges Pompidou - Espaces Nouveaux.


, Feb 25, 2004

