Jaanis Garancs

Private Multi-verse Perception

Interactive 'molecules' of 'audiovisual space and time' (Virtual Reality environment / multi-media performance)

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2003

title pictogramm / logo

title pictogramm / logo


Media Files


PMVP is:
1) artwork / improvisation, which uses Virtual Reality elements, algorithmically (real-time) generated audiovisual 3D scenes and gesture interaction
2) experimental tool-set (variable software and hardware set-up) for exploration of immersive multimedia aspects
The ‘visual title’ (3-character pictogram) serves mainly for establishing a ‘linguistically neutral’ identity for the work where I was trying to ‘hint’ to several rather abstract metaphysic notions. Theme: invisible, but imaginary density of air – ‘empty’ (surrounding) space, constituted by metaphysical code.
The main concept for the realization of these ideas in a artistic form was establishing a ‘unit’ (or ‘data-molecule’ system) of visual, audio, space, movement, time and context information – similarly to ‘pixel’ in 2D digital images, ‘voxel’ in 3D computer environments and ‘polyphonic chord’ in musical notation. These new ‘molecules’ – objects then mutually ‘interfere’ in dynamic ‘comtext’ formations.
It is an experiment with possible perceptional paradoxes through deliberate and ‘random’ crossing of sensory pathways.

Artists / Authors



Germany, 2003

Partners / Sponsors

Academy of Media Arts, Cologne


» http://plus.x-i.net


jg@khm.de, May 22, 2003



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