Florian Brandt, Florian Piltz, Kalle Kormann

profile intermedia 5 website

Layout Management / Dynamic Layout and Content

profile intermedia 5

profile intermedia 5



The profile intermedia is an annual international cross-media conference which takes place in Bremen, Germany since 1998.
Every year it appears in a completely different visual language.
The website is an important part of the profile intermedia. It enables people from all over the world to get information on the conference and purchase tickets.
An innovative combination of art and technology was the primary objective in the development of the profile intermedia 5 website.
On the one hand the guidelines that came with the visual identity had to be kept, where chaotically arranged and scaled typography connected by thin lines were the main characteristics. On the other hand changes to content and structure had to be possible at short notice.
The solution is combined content- and layout-management.
Purpose-built for this conference a customized content- and layout-management-system (cms/lms) on flash -basis was developed. This enabled the editors and designers to modify the content and arrange it on the website.
A new contributor could be added to the website without technical knowledge and then positioned and adjusted in size with the acuteness of a designers eye.
In contrast to today's content-management-systems, the screen layout of the profile intermedia 5 website is as flexible and dynamic as its content.

Artists / Authors



Germany, 2002

Partners / Sponsors

see website


» http://www.brandtmar…de/profileintermedia5


Florian Brandt, Apr 20, 2003



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