Cyrus F Nourani

Versatile Abstract Syntax Meta-Contextual Logic and VR Computing

Linguistische Logik





A preliminary overview to context abstraction and meta-contextual logic with applications is presented. Abstract computational linguistics [1] with intelligent syntax, model theory and categories is presented in brief. Designated functions define agents, as in artificial intelligence agents, or represent languages with only abstract definition known at syntax. For example, a function Fi can be agent corresponding to a language Li. Li can in turn involve agent functions amongst its vocabulary. Thus context might be defined at Li. An agent Fi might be as abstract as a functor defining functions and context with respect to a set and a linguistics model. Generic diagrams for models are defined as yet a second order lift from context. The techniques to be presented have allowed us to define a computational linguistics and model theory for intelligent languages. Models for the languages are defined by the author's techniques. Meta-contextual logic is combined with Morph Gentzen, a new computing logic the author presented in 1997, towards a Virtual Reality design languages and their computing logic.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Vereinigte Staaten, 2000-2004

Partner / Sponsoren



Versatile Abstract Syntax Meta-Contextual Logic and VR Computing

Cyrus F. Nourani*
The Academia and
Abstract A preliminary overview to context abstraction and meta-contextual logic with applications is presented. Abstract computational linguistics [1] with intelligent syntax, model theory and categories is presented in brief. Designated functions define agents, as in artificial intelligence agents, or represent languages with only abstract definition known at syntax. For example, a function Fi can be agent corresponding to a language Li. Li can in turn involve agent functions amongst its vocabulary. Thus context might be defined at Li. An agent Fi might be as abstract as a functor defining functions and context with respect to a set and a linguistics model. Generic diagrams for models are defined as yet a second order lift from context. The techniques to be presented have allowed us to define a computational linguistics and model theory for intelligent languages. Models for the languages are defined by the author's techniques. Meta-contextual logic is combined with Morph Gentzen, a new computing logic the author presented in 1997, towards a Virtual Reality design languages and their computing logic (see abstracts at at the author's name.)

*Affiliations Academia, Keywords Context Abstraction, Linguistics Abstraction, Intelligent Syntax Abstraction, Language Categories, Agent Linguistics, Meta-Contextual Reasoning, Definable Linguistics Models, KR and Diagrams for Models, VR computing

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 08.11.2003

