/ journal / issue 0

Welcome to the first edition of , the magazine for media production and inter-media research. is an editorial module of the internet platform, which goes online in September 2001. { more }, the Internet platform of the CAT project, will be online from September 2001. Conceived as a media laboratory on the Internet, combines artistic production and inter-media research into a collaborative knowledge space.
// Wolfgang Strauss, Jasminko Novak, Monika Fleischmann

CAT - Communication, Art and Technology

The CAT study carried out by the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab in 1998 researched the requirement that a competence centre for art, culture and new media must satisfy. The experts interviewed felt that the project should be decentralised, community-based and inter-disciplinary. Starting from this point, the CAT project is developing the platform.
// Monika Fleischmann, Andrea Helbach

The Mediators' Struggle for »Intellectual Property«

The Distributors are relying on technical blocking mechanisms to prevent digital work being copied at will. The question of copyright thus becomes a question of »access rights«. spoke to lawyers Herbert Burkert and Thomas Hoeren.

Distributed System Architectures for Networked Communities

»File sharing«, »cycle stealing«, »virtual communities« and »collective intelligence« - all these concepts involve the shared use of available computer resources or human resources. Distributed systems form the technical infrastructure. Bernd Freisleben explains various models.

The Art of Selectiveness

The »Digital Dive« (DEAF 2000) workshop discussed various concepts for organising archives on the network. User orientation and community-based processes are gaining ground over pre-defined structures.
// A report by Eric Kluitenberg

An Archive on Media Change

Vilém Flussers texts appear as modules which he continually recombined and set in different media and social contexts. The Flusser Archive Research Centre at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne is to create a network structure which will support research as a process of connective actions.
// Nils Röller

Art Context Internet

Specific exhibition concepts are being developed by artists and curators for presenting art on the Net. By adapting IT structures such as community models, environments for discursive forms of cultural practice are being generated.
// Gabriele Blome

Experimental Media Spaces // Mixing Realities

Mixed reality describes a concept which combines actions on a media level with activities in real space. Here, the virtual space is regarded not as a parallel surrogate world but as an integral part of the living world. Experimental media spaces test out different mixed reality strategies.
// Jasminko Novak, Roland Ernst

The Code as an Artistic Material

Since the beginning of the year, Codelab has been "in residence" in Podewil. The lab is managed by the programmer and artist Ulrike Gabriele. Its primary focus is on code as an artistic material.
// netzspannung. org interviews Ulrike Gabriel

Awareness - for Perceiving Electronic and Public Spaces

Awareness describes a means of perception in the networked space which is successively spreading to more and more areas of life. In an interview, the media artists Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss and the IT specialist Wolfgang Prinz explore different models of awareness.

living in mixed realities

cast01// conference on communication of art science and technology, September 21 - 22, 2001, Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin (Bonn, Germany)

digital sparks

Students experiment with digital media and explore aesthetic strategies using interactive technologies - digital sparks presents the outcome

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