\\ digital sparks\ digital sparks 03\ Jury 03

Panel of judges 2003

Jury digital sparks 2003
The submitted projects undergo a two-stage evaluation process: They are first assessed online by a preliminary panel of judges, who select individual projects to go through for final evaluation. Both the preliminary and the final panel of judges are made up of experts from the fields of media art, media design, media IT and media communication.
The criteria for evaluation are:
¬artistic concept of the work
¬its aesthetic and formal application
¬its technical implementation
¬the topicality and relevance of the project

Members of the jury

Rosanne Altstatt

[link 01] Edith Ruß Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg

Alfred Rotert

[link 02] European Media Art Festival (EMAF), Osnabrück

Isabel Podeschwa

[link 03] Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V., Berlin

Gerfried Stocker

[link 04] Ars Electronica, Linz (A)

Dr. Andreas Broeckmann

[link 05] Transmediale Festival, Berlin

Dr. Hermann Lossau

[link 06] NRW Medien GmbH, Düsseldorf


The following experts could be won for the digital sparks 2003 selection committee:

Susanne Ackers

Media Art
[link 07] ZKM - Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Alex Adriaansens

Media Art/Mediation
[link 08] V2_Organisation, Rotterdam (NL)

Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Angerer

Art and Media Science
[link 09] Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Konrad Becker

Hypermedia Researcher/Developer
[link 10] Institute for New Culture-Technologies, Vienna (A)

Prof. Kai Beiderwellen

Media Design
[link 11] University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim

Prof. Constantin Boytscheff

Digital Media, Architectural Representation
[link 12] University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz

Sabine Breitsameter

Experimental Radio and Acustic Media Art
[link 13] Audiohyperspace

Thea Brejzek

[link 14] Stage Director

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Coy

[link 15] Humboldt-University, Berlin

Ursula Damm

Media Art
[link 16] Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Prof. Dr. Florian Dombois

Media Art
[link 17] Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Bern (CH)

Prof. Dr. Ursula Frohne

Art History
[link 18] International University Bremen

Prof. Klaus Gasteier

Interface- and Interaction Design
[link 19] personal homepage
[link 20] University of Applied Sciences, Aachen

Gerrit Gohlke

Media Art/Mediation
[link 21] Media Arts Lab, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

Prof. Bernd Hanisch

[link 22] College of Art and Design, Halle

Prof. Philipp Heidkamp

[link 23] Köln International School of Design

Wolf Helzle

Media Art
[link 24] personal homepage

Prof. Dr. Michael Herczeg

Computer Sciences
[link 25] University of Lubeck

Christian Höller

Media Art
[link 26] Springerin, Wien (A)

Prof. Tjark Ihmels

Media Design
[link 27] Media Design Institute, University of Applied Sciences, Mainz

Prof. Ludwig John

Media Art
[link 28] University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg

Prof. Stefan Kim

Computer Sciences
[link 29] University of Applied Sciences, Brandenburg

Prof. Franz Kluge

Media Design
[link 30] University of Applied Sciences, Trier

Prof. Stefan Koppelkamm

Communication Design
[link 31] Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee

Prof. Bernd Kracke

Electronic Media
[link 32] Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main

Agnieszka Kubicka

Media Art/Mediation
[link 33] WRO - Center of Media Art (PL)

Prof. Jörg Lensing

Media Design/Acoustic Art
[link 34] University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund

Prof. Helmut Mark

Media Art
[link 35] Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Karsten Morisse

Computer Sciences
[link 36] University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück

Prof. Dr. Frieder Nake

Computer Sciences
[link 37] University of Bremen

Karin Ohlenschläger

Media Art/Mediation
[link 38] Co-Director Media Lab Madrid (E)

Dr. Danièle Perrier

Media Art/Mediation
[link 39] Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems

Charlotte Pschhacker

Media Art/Mediation
[link 40] Art Image, Graz (A)

Elke Reinhuber

Media Design
[link 41] personal homepage
[link 42] Media Research Institute, Academy for Fine Arts and Design, Braunschweig

Prof. Michael Rodemer

Media Art
[link 43] University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)

Stefan Römer

Media Theory and Media Art

Margit Rosen

Media Art
[link 44] Lothringer 13, Munich

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade

Media- and Cultural Theory
[link 45] University of Art and Design, Zurich (CH)

Prof. Giaco Schiesser

Media- and Cultural Theory
[link 46] University of Art and Design, Zurich (CH)

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt

Architecture and CAAD
[link 47] Swiss Federal Institute of Technnology Zurich (CH)

Dr. Holger Schulze

Media Art and Cultural Sciences
[link 48] Berlin University of the Arts

Prof. Dr. Anette Seelinger

Aesthetics, Communication and New Media
[link 49] University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt

Dr. Wolf Siegert

Media Art/Mediation
[link 50] Director IRIS(R) Media, Berlin

Prof. Claudia Söller-Eckert

Media Design
[link 51] University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt

Prof. Dipl. Des. Torsten Stapelkamp

Interaction- and Interfacedesign
[link 52] University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld

Prof. Stahl Stenslie

Media Art
[link 53] personal homepage
[link 54] Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Prof. Peter Friedrich Stephan

Theory and Design of Hypermedia
[link 55] Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Reinhard Storz

Art Critic and Media Theory
[link 56] personal homepage
[link 57] Academy of Art and Design, Basel (CH)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Tholen

Media Sciences
[link 58] University of Basel (CH)

Prof. Salvatore Vanasco

Media Art/Mediation
[link 59] Merz Akademie, Stuttgart

Prof. Frans Vogelaar

Media Design/Hybrid Space
[link 60] Academy of Media Arts, Cologne

Lawrence Wallen

Media Art

Prof. Eku Wand

Media Design/Multimedia
[link 61] personal homepage
[link 62] Media Research Institute, Academy for Fine Arts and Design, Braunschweig

Ulrich Wegenast

New Media and Public Relations
[link 63] wand5 e.V., Stuttgart

Prof. Ullrich Weinberg

[link 64] Academy for Film and Television Postdam-Babelsberg, HFF

Dr. Thomas Winkler

Multimedia- and Interactive Systems
[link 65] University of Lubeck

Andrea Zapp

Media Art
[link 66] personal homepage
[link 67] Institute of Research in Art and Design, Manchester Metropolitan University (GB)

Annett Zinsmeister

Art History
[link 68] Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee

Prof. Dr. Gerd Zimmermann

Design and Architectural Theory
[link 69] Bauhaus-University Weimar

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://www.oldenburg.de/edith-russ-haus/
[link 02]http://www.emaf.de/
[link 03]http://www.kulturkreis.org/
[link 04]http://www.aec.at
[link 05]http://www.transmediale.de/
[link 06]http://www.media.nrw.de
[link 07]http://www.zkm.de/
[link 08]http://www.v2.nl/
[link 09]http://www.khm.de/
[link 10]http://www.t0.or.at/t0
[link 11]http://www.fh-mannheim.de/
[link 12]http://www.ag.htwg-konstanz.de/
[link 13]http://www.swr.de/swr2/audiohyperspace/
[link 14]http://netzspannung.org/cat/servlet/CatServlet?cmd=document&subCommand=show&forw
[link 15]http://waste.informatik.hu-berlin.de/Coy/default.html
[link 16]http://www.khm.de/
[link 17]http://www.medien-kunst.ch/
[link 18]http://www.iu-bremen.de/
[link 19]http://www.gasteier.net/
[link 20]http://www2.design.fh-aachen.de/menschen/lehrende/gasteier.html
[link 21]http://www.media-arts-lab.org/
[link 22]http://www.burg-halle.de/~hanisch/
[link 23]http://kisd.de/
[link 24]http://www.helzle.com/
[link 25]http://www.imis.uni-luebeck.de/
[link 26]http://www.springerin.at/
[link 27]http://www.img.fh-mainz.de/start.htm
[link 28]http://www.fh-augsburg.de/multimedia/
[link 29]http://zeus.fh-brandenburg.de/~kim/
[link 30]http://www.fh-trier.de/
[link 31]http://www.kh-berlin.de/khb-neu/dverz4/index.htm
[link 32]http://www.hfg-offenbach.de/uniStaffInd.hfg?fdId=31&fdPage=0
[link 33]http://wrocenter.pl/?go=en/owro/
[link 34]http://www.fh-dortmund.de/
[link 35]http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/index.php?a=aktuell&js=0
[link 36]http://movii.et.fh-osnabrueck.de/~kamo/
[link 37]http://www.agis.informatik.uni-bremen.de/
[link 38]http://www.medialabmadrid.org/
[link 39]http://www.balmoral.de/
[link 40]http://www.artimage.at/
[link 41]http://www.eer.de/index.html
[link 42]http://www.hbk-bs.de/home/Elke_Reinhuber.html
[link 43]http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rodemer/
[link 44]http://www.lothringer13.de/institution/index.htm
[link 45]http://www.hgkz.ch
[link 46]http://www.hgkz.ch
[link 47]http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/~schmitt/
[link 48]http://www.udk-berlin.de/soundXchange/index-old.htm
[link 49]http://www.fh-frankfurt.de/
[link 50]http://www.iris-media.com/
[link 51]http://www.fh-darmstadt.de/md/md_fb.htm
[link 52]http://www.fh-bielefeld.de/
[link 53]http://www.stenslie.net/
[link 54]http://www.khm.de/
[link 55]http://www.khm.de/
[link 56]http://www.xcult.ch/rest/rest.html
[link 57]http://www.fhbb.ch/kunst/
[link 58]http://www.mewi.unibas.ch/
[link 59]http://www.merz-akademie.de/
[link 60]http://www.khm.de/
[link 61]http://www.eku.de/
[link 62]http://www.hbk-bs.de/home/Prof._Eku_Wand.html
[link 63]http://www.wand5.de/
[link 64]http://www.hff-potsdam.de/
[link 65]http://www.imis.uni-luebeck.de/index.html
[link 66]http://www.azapp.de/
[link 67]http://www.artdes.mmu.ac.uk/profile/azapp
[link 68]http://www.kh-berlin.de/
[link 69]http://www.uni-weimar.de/architektur/atheo/a_theorie/mitarbeiter/professor.html