\\ digital sparks\ digital sparks 02\ Award Winners 02

digital sparks 2002 prize winners

In view of the outstanding quality of the projects submitted, the panel of judges decided to award four prizes in 2002 rather than three as originally planned:

actionist respoke

Rüdiger Schlömer and Michael Janoschek

FH Aachen
Prof. Klaus Gasteier
An experimental sound interface for the song "Mouse On Mars" by the group of the same name.
[link 01] actionist respoke

[korsakow syndrom]

Florian Thalhofer

UdK Berlin
Prof. Willem Velthoven and Prof. Joachim Sauter
A non-linear, interactive documentary film on the subject of alcohol.
[link 02] [korsakow syndrom]

Left 2 dimensions behind

Andreas Siefert

HFG Karlsruhe
Prof. Michael Saup
A video installation which plays with the viewer's perception of space.
[link 03] left 2 dimensions behind

Terror by Tina

Martin Hesselmeier

FH Mannheim
Prof. Kai Beiderwellen
A robot on the prowl for victims in a chat-room.
[link 04] Terror by Tina

A brief description of the projects awarded 2001-2003 together with the jury statements can be found in the »digital sparks« booklet (sorry, German only):
screen-version [link 05] [PDF |2 MB], print-version [link 06] [PDF | 8,4 MB]

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://netzspannung.org/database/59682/en
[link 02]http://netzspannung.org/database/66335/en
[link 03]http://netzspannung.org/database/59001/en
[link 04]http://netzspannung.org/database/58116/en
[link 05]documents/digital-sparks_Kurzdarstellung.pdf
[link 06]documents/digital-sparks_Kurzdarstellung_Printversion.pdf