\\ digital sparks\ digital sparks 01\ Award Winners 01

digital sparks 2001 prize winners

The panel decided that three projects from the fields of media art, media IT and media design were of outstanding quality:

Genius Bodybuilder

Martin Schneider und Fabian Härle

Technische Universität Ilmenau
Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Brandenburg
"GENIUS Bodybuilder" is a tool for the genetic modelling of threedimensional forms. Applications szenarios: within the field of product design and for 'breeding' avatars.
[link 01] Genius Bodybuilder


Sascha Kempe, Michael Wolf

Fachhochschule Köln
Prof. Gui Bonsiepe
"Stadtwirklichkeit" is an interpretation of Italo Colvino's "Unsichtbarer Städte" ("Invisible City") im Internet. The activity of the inhabitants of the city shapes the appearance of the virtual city.
[link 02] Stadtwirklichkeit


Tamas Szakal

Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig
Prof. Helmut Mark
"DIALTONE" is a tele-interactive web-audio-installation, based on both the physical space, as well as the virtual space of the Internet.
[link 03] Dialtone

A brief description of the projects awarded 2001-2003 together with the jury statements can be found in the digital sparks mini booklet (sorry, German only):
screen-version [link 04] [PDF |2 MB], print-version [link 05] [PDF | 8,4 MB].

Liste der Links in der Seite:

[link 01]http://netzspannung.org/database/46914/en
[link 02]http://netzspannung.org/database/47474/en
[link 03]http://netzspannung.org/database/47115/en
[link 04]documents/digital-sparks_Kurzdarstellung.pdf
[link 05]documents/digital-sparks_Kurzdarstellung_Printversion.pdf