Monika Fleischmann, Phoebe Sengers, A. Paiva, …


Experiments for an Affective Man-Machine Interaction




Spontaneous, affective actions and emotions play an important role in human communication. Although machines become increasingly complex and the development of artificial intelligence quite promising, feelings still seem to be a human domain. Computers can neither recognize the emotions of their users, nor can they develop affective behavioral patterns yet.

The project SAFIRA (Supporting Affective Interactions in Real Time Applications) focuses on the development of experimental, interactive media systems that promote affective man-machine interaction.

This European co-operation project has developed and realized three systems: an interactive game, a “personal” E-commerce agent, and an Influencing Machine. The latter has been developed by the IMK.
The system develops emotive models either autonomously or by human influence and expresses them in an emotionally inspiring form.
The software technology on which the Influencing Machine is based has been published, inviting further development.
Concluding the project and based on the initially developed design further scenarios for integrative Mixed Reality-concepts have been designed.
Die Influencing Machine In continuing scenarios alternative models of interaction with the Influencing Machine will be designed: A room furnished with sensors picks up the body movements of the audience, interprets them as emotions and reflects them audio/visually.

Artists / Authors



Germany, 2000-2002

Partners / Sponsors

Europäische Kommission (IST-Programm), Brüssel


, May 3, 2004



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