A golden calf appears as a virtual 3D sculpture on a portable LCD display which the observer holds in his hands and with which he can freely move around an empty plinth standing in a room. This real plinth possesses a virtual counterpart which serves as the rest for the golden calf in the digital representation. Real-space and virtual image are closely related ? the portable display is equipped with a tracking system so that the virtual perspective from which the observer sees the golden calf on the monitor corresponds to its distance and position relative to the real plinth in the exhibition room. Mirror images of the real exhibition room also appear on the shining surface of the virtual sculpture. These were created using digitised versions of photographs of the surroundings. They are reproduced on the calf in real time in accordance with the movements in the room. The real-space actions of the observer therefore affect the virtual representation of the room and become a "dance" around the virtual idol.
Artists / Authors
- Jeffrey Shaw, ZKM
Germany, 1994
Partners / Sponsors
ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology Karlsruhe
, Sep 21, 2001
- artistic production
- Topics:
- virtual reality
- Technology:
- video tracking