Gregor Stemmrich

Between Event and Structure

Symposium "Present Continuous Past(s)"

Gregor Stemmrich

Gregor Stemmrich

Media Files


Between Event and Structure. The data bank as crystallization form

The conceivability, to upload video and audio work or also entire films from the Internet, can evoke enthusiasm and skepticism in equal measure. It evokes enthusiasm because a real opportunity exists to get to know artistic works, to view them in relationship to other works and to study them extensively, which were otherwise only possible to see with considerable effort, time and money. It evokes skepticism because there is the risk of semantic reduction, popularity, and the misconception of the actual intended presentational situation. Moreover, it is feared that the commercial art market holds the time-based work of its stars under its thumb. Thus, the entire data bank becomes tilted, because it cannot include these works. It is, therefore, necessary to have a mode of navigation that is not only concerned with the navigation of the net, where it simply depends on finding the relevant web adresses or opening relevant windows. Instead, a navigation system is needed that takes into regard and creates awareness about the effects of online presentations of time-based artworks in their entirety, while at the same time counteracting these effects. This paper addresses the question as to which consequences exist for the agency of time-based art on the Internet.

Artists / Authors



iMediathek, Hochschule für Künste Bremen


Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Germany

Partners / Sponsors

In cooperation with the International University Bremen and Filmbüro Bremen




, Sep 21, 2004



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