Dynamic scenes of people and their surroundings made of letters, signs and symbols, in various languages. Human bodies morph from details of abstracted 'molecular' figures - to scenes of people crowds, city streets and global maps. The work is mixture of interactive game environment and ambient, autonomously developing VR movie. The immersivity of scenes is enhanced by stereoscopic projection and 3D (XYZ) sound. The work is a cluster of several modules: variants of hardware setup in gallery-like space, alternative interaction devices, database (data mining tools) and Internet interfaces (currently in development). Updates and more material: on the project's website.
KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen
- Jaanis Garancs
Deutschland, 2002
Partner / Sponsoren
KHM (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln)
Eingabe des Beitrags, 13.06.2002
- künstlerische Arbeit
- Themen:
- Immersion |
- Fiktion |
- Visual Effects |
- Morphing |
- Globalisierung |
- Körper |
- Urbaner Raum |
- Identität |
- Soziale Systeme |
- Echtzeit-Rendering |
- Virtuelle Realität |
- Datenraum
- Formate:
- Virtuelles Environment |
- Installation |
- Projektion |
- 3D |
- interaktiv
- Technik:
- Video Tracking |
- Motion Tracking |
- Electrostatic Tracking |
- Java |
- VRML |
- Midi |
- Datenbank