Media Files
- › Einführung von H. Bredekamp zum Vortrag [RealMedia]
- › Videodokumentation des Vortrags (dt. Übers.) [RealMedia]
- › Diskussion zum Vortrag [RealMedia]
- › Introduction of the lecture by H. Bredekamp (in German) [RealMedia]
- › Video documentation of the lecture (partly in German) [RealMedia]
- › Discussion after the lecture (in German) [RealMedia]
Winged eyes and feather(ed) pictures. Early Modern Concepts of Image
Between Metaphors and Materiality
This contribution studies the tension between the flying or "fixed" eye and material images in scientific as well as artistic discourses of the Early Modern period. It analyses the metaphorology of pictures (seen as window, mirror, shadow or veil) in Alberti, Cusanus and Leonardo, with a special focus on the various theories or legends of the origin of images. Under these premises my talk will question the complex relationships between different models of perception/representation and the materiality or technique of early modern pictures, Netherlandish oil paintings as well as Mexican feather mosaics, in their changing frames.
Artists / Authors
- Gerhard Wolf, Professor für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Trier und Direktor des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz (Max-Planck-Institut) › Biography
- May 17, 2002
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles und Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin, Germany
, May 22, 2003
- Lecture
- Topics:
- perception
Additions to Keyword List
- Bildkonzepte |
- Materialität |
- Metapher