Henning Ziegler

graduate student, New Media Studies

Henning Ziegler [link 01]

Henning Ziegler

  • › Henning Ziegler: (K)ein Raum für Gestaltung [28 KB ] [link 02]
  • › Henning Ziegler: Hackers [29 KB ] [link 03]
  • › Henning Ziegler: Hypertext [40 KB ] [link 04]

Beiträge auf netzspannung.org

  • › When Hypertext became uncool [link 05]


  • Kultur |
  • Kunst |
  • Medien


Henning Ziegler is a graduate student of North American cultural
studies at the John F. Kennedy Institute in Berlin, Germany.

His academic interests include interface and software theory, hacking,
free software movements, political activism on the web, film- and video theory,
and new media art. He is currently working on his
graduate thesis entitled 'Cultures of Electronic Resistance.'
In the academic year 1999/2000, Henning has received a DAAD
fellowship to work with Margaret Morse at the University of California, Santa

Henning is also involved with micromusic.net and produces electronic
music and digital photography.


» http://www.henningziegler.de [link 06]


  • JFKI Berlin


hziegler@zedat.fu-berlin.de [link 07]


  • [ P U B L I C A T I O N S ] Journal Articles "When Hypertext became uncool" dichtung digital, 1/2003 http://www.dichtung-digital.de "The Digital Cowboys - Hackers as Imagined Communities", NMEDIAC, 2002
    » http://www.nmediac.net [link 08]
  • "When Hypertext became uncool", Henning Ziegler, 2002
    » http://www.dichtung-digital.de [link 09]


  • Themen
    • Interface |
    • Netzkunst |
    • Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
    • Aktivismus |
    • Groupware |
    • Medienkunst |
    • Community |
    • Hypermedia |
    • Internet |
    • Vernetzung |
    • Graphische Benutzeroberfläche GUI |
    • Soziale Systeme |
    • Medientheorie |
    • Klang |
    • Cultural Studies |
    • Open Source
  • Formate
    • Hypertext