Mirko Tobias Schäfer

Junior Teacher/Researcher

www.dvision.at/mirko [link 01]


Beiträge auf netzspannung.org

  • ›  [d]vision 2002 /// digitalBIEDERMEIER: re/producing the private /// [link 02]


  • Wissenschaft |
  • Medien


Mirko studied theatre, film and media studies and communication studies at Vienna University (A) and digital culture at Utrecht University (NL).

He was organizer and co-curator of [d]vision - Vienna Festival For Digital Culture. Mirko received a master in philosophy from the University of Vienna. Since February 2003 he is working as a junior teacher/researcher at the University of Utrecht at the Institute for Media and Re/presentation.

He is currently writing his dissertation on "Bastard Culture! Competent Users, Networks and Cultural Industries". Mirko lives in Rotterdam (NL) and Vienna (A).


» http://www.dvision.at/mirko [link 03]


  • University of Utrecht - Institute for Media and Re/presentation
    » http://www.let.uu.nl [link 04]


mts@dvision.at [link 05]

Ausstellungen / Präsentationen

  • [d]vision 2000, 2001, 2002
    » http://www.dvision.at/ [link 06]


  • Will the revolution be open sourced? How Open Source travels through society. with Marianne van den Boomen, in: Wynants, Marleen; Cornelis, Jan (Eds.): How Open Is the Future? Economic, Social and Cultural Scenarios inspired by Free & Open Source Software, Brussel: VUB Press, 2005, pp. 31-68
  • Homework: The Extension of the Culture Industry, in: Cox, Geoff et al. (Eds): DATA Browser 01, Economising Culture; published by autonomedia 2005, pp 191-199
    » http://www.data-browser.net/01/ [link 07]
  • Made by Users How Users Improve Things, Provide Innovation and Change Our Idea of Culture, in Goriunova, Olga; Shulgin, Alexei (Ed.): Read_Me, Software Art and Cultures, Aarhus: University of Aarhus, 2004, pp. 62-77
    » http://art.runme.org…7-9249-0/schaefer.pdf [link 08]


  • Themen
    • Kollaboration |
    • Medientheorie
  • Formate
    • Hypermedia
  • Technik
    • Datenbank

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Modification  |
  • Redesign |
  • Technology