tony brooks

research artist

Standard-Icon [link 01]



  • Bildung |
  • Kultur |
  • Kunst |
  • Wissenschaft |
  • Medien


Tony is a CG board member of the EU research body and of GET -see bio at their members site.
A Multimedia artist and musician specialising in interactive design for installation, dance, theatre, music performance and for his self-funded research and development project investigating his concept and methodology of utilising art within the field of special needs which has been at the center of various european projects and currently one titled CARE HERE which has partners in UK, Italy, Denmark and Sweden. Tony works modally across disciplines; Music concerts, an interactive installation, an opera or a session at a special needs institute, lectures or workshop at a University. Variety is the spice of life and in Tony's case it is Vindaloo! Published articles and papers available through email request.
Videos at: - history - Tony's system


» … members > tonybrooks [link 02]


  • Soundscapes non profit organisation
    » [link 03]

E-Mail-Adresse [link 04]

Werke / Projekte

  • Video 1
    » http://media.nis.sdu….dk/video/urbania.mpg [link 05]

Ausstellungen / Präsentationen

  • video 2
    » http://media.nis.sdu…k/video/twi-aysi.html [link 06]


  • Themen
    • Theater |
    • Visual Effects |
    • Mixed Reality |
    • Audio |
    • Soziale Systeme |
    • Wissensräume |
    • Interaktivität |
    • Augmented Reality |
    • Virtuelle Realität |
    • Datenraum |
    • Interface |
    • Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
    • Abstraktion |
    • Kollaboration |
    • Raum |
    • Tanz |
    • Vernetzung |
    • Robotik |
    • E-Learning |
    • Kommunikation |
    • Spiele |
    • Wahrnehmung |
    • Musik |
    • Körper |
    • Animation |
    • Tracking |
    • Performance Kunst |
    • Artistic Software |
    • Klang |
    • Echtzeit-Rendering |
    • Immersion |
    • Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion HCI |
    • Awareness |
    • Biofeedback |
    • Cognitive Science |
    • verteilte Systeme |
    • Design |
    • öffentlicher Raum |
    • Künstliche Intelligenz |
    • Graphische Benutzeroberfläche GUI
  • Formate
    • Text |
    • CD-ROM |
    • Performance |
    • Virtuelles Environment |
    • Projektion |
    • multi-user |
    • Computeranimation |
    • Audio |
    • vernetzt |
    • Software |
    • Installation |
    • 3D |
    • interaktiv |
    • Objekt |
    • TV |
    • Enviroment |
    • Video
  • Technik
    • CAVE |
    • Drahtlose Kommunikation |
    • Video Tracking |
    • Quicktime |
    • Motion Tracking |
    • VRML |
    • Midi |
    • Infrarot Tracking |
    • Gesture Recognition |
    • Neuronale Netze

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • all ability user groups |
  • universal accessibility |
  • all age user group research |
  • disability