Raewyn Turner


Raewyn Turner : photon

Raewyn Turner : photon

Beiträge auf netzspannung.org



Raewyn Turner is an artist working with coloured light, smell, video and sound to create multisensory correspondences in works of orchestrated layers of smell in performance, audio visual works with smell, and smell-only works. She has an extensive background in working with coloured light and contemporary music beginning in 1975 with Split Enz (for eight years) on international tours working in Britain, USA, Canada, and Europe. She has worked in light and video projection with orchestras, contemporary and experimental dance, and theatre.
She is currently developing intersensory correspondences in works that combine video, colour, smell and sound in multisensory works and live performance. She is exploring the unity of the senses in experiencing the outer world and how the inner imagination affects perception She is a founding member of Bad Mothers, Melbourne and exhibits regularly in New Zealand and Australia.





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