Danijela Djokic, Martin Grothmaak

Inform: A Matrix-based Information Interface and Cryptesthesia in Networked Systems

lecture given at the workshop "online-archives: perspectives on networked knowledge spaces"

Danijela Djokic

Danijela Djokic


Media Files


A central problem in complex digital systems is the accessibility and the search for and presentation of information. In this context, Projekttriangle presents two interface studies.

The information interface 'Inform' is based on a dynamic matrix structure and will offer doctors simple access to medical information. The interface provides an overwiew of all current and relevant content such as links to patient files, data of other specialist doctors and doctor's own files at a glance. In addition it is planned to provide the possibility to communicate with expert and medical catalogues, e.g. to order medical instruments. Selectable themes will be offered for knowledge enhancement, in addition, a personalized information catalogue can be created.

'Inform' offers the user pre-selected information, classified according to possible priorities, through which he can move freely and without interfering windows hindering the process. Via various filters the user can determine himself which information he wishes to receive and when he wishes to receive it. This level of functionality is reached via links to data bases as well as morphological, self-transforming information matrix and colour coding that is at the same time used as a filter.

The second example, 'Kryptästhesie in vernetzten Systemen' (Cryptesthesia in networked systems) demonstrates an associative research tool for data base and Internet-based applications and presents information and informational contexts in a geometrically-dynamic model. A central search item forms the focus, the centre of a circular field. Through this field the search result is approached step-by-step in diffuse forms, presented as an abstract data cloud. This initially fuzzy result can be given more precise parameters using additional search items. A dynamic net result, made up of paths taken and limited partial volumes. The whole model reacts dynamically to any change. This means that it always visualizes a current, temporary and interactive status of the search process rather than a final result. Parallel research processes, temporary results and their synergetic conditions and interactions can be registered and monitored.

Artists / Authors



Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication MARS-Exploratory Media Lab




Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany


» http://netzspannung.…hops/online-archives/


, Apr 10, 2003

