Hansik Gebert

Hansik Gebert Archiv

Werkübersicht multimedial künstlerischer Auseinandersetzung seit 1960- Aufbau eines non profit downl.centers

Hansik Gebert Archiv

Hansik Gebert Archiv




The Hansik Gebert Archive is start up to building a non profit download center containing the whole workbody of the multimedia artist Hansik Gebert working since the 60th in a wide area of disciplines in fine arts. The archive should consulting institutions,galleries,teachers, artists, writers etc.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen



Deutschland, 2002-2003


» http://www.hansikgebert.de


The Hansik Gebert Archive is start up to building a non profit download center
containing the whole workbody of the multimedia artist hansik Gebert working
since the 60th in a wide area of disciplines in fine arts. The archive should consulting
teachers, artists, writers etc. Quite under construction we need aid by forwarding
the URL http://www.hansikgebert.de where the archive will be integrated.
To do our best in serving a wide range of interested custumers we need a feedback
in form of questions and special requests which will be answered also by sending
materials if needed. If You would put a link of the URLon your site or include the
information into your newsletters we would be very thankful.
Dont hesitate to ask for further informations.

Eingabe des Beitrags

a bliese, 17.03.2003



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