Chris Hales

Interactive Digital Moviemaking Workshop

Creative workshop addressing European writers, directors, artists, designers, developer, designers ...

sagas is a joint initiave of the MEDIA Programme of the EU and the Munich Film Academy [link 01]

sagas is a joint initiave of the MEDIA Programme of the EU and the Munich Film Academy



All the different aspects of creating interactive movies will be explored, although the emphasis will be
on the visual metaphors for interaction rather than written scriptwriting: participants will be asked to think laterally
about their definition of narrative when issues of interactivity are concerned.
Actual desktop production techniques will be demonstrated, but the course will concentrate
on innovative and aesthetic issues rather than detailed technical complexities of delivery platform and software.
A lecture-based strand of this workshop presents ways in which moving images have been,
and could be, made interactive Ð investigating structure, interface and metaphor, and the importance of content.
There will also be some discussion of the relevance of newly developing 'convergence' areas of interactive digital TV
and set-top boxes.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Chris Hales, Workshop leader


  • 27. Februar 2003-6. März 2003


Sagas Writing Interactive Fiction



MŸnchen, Deutschland

Eingabe des Beitrags

Brunhild Bushoff, 17.01.2003


  • Workshop


  • Themen:
    • Fiktion |
    • Interaktivität
  • Formate:
    • CD-ROM |
    • interaktiv |
    • Film
  • Technik:
    • Macromedia Director
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

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