Stefan Brandys, Colin Hughes, Pollak Chris


accessing collective knowledge (kulturtechnisches werkzeug für den zugang zu kollektivem wissen)

medusa* - accessing collective knowledge [link 01]

medusa* - accessing collective knowledge



Gathering and managing information in virtual environments will be established as a main task of our daily life. For users and editorial staffs of searchengines the categorization and examination of information of the Internet is unmanagable. medusa* is an experimental community-platform. Every user shares his experience with information sources with the community, by adding personal linklists to the medusa*-network. Each individual benefits from the community knowledge exchange. The interface shows the structure of the Internet defined by the community.

Apart from the categorization meeting personal interests, the spacial navigation creates interdisciplinary orientational knowledge. medusa* is designed to establish new technics improving the possibilities of the Internet to make information management easier for the user. The medusa* interface builds dynamic, interactive landscapes by translating the directory-structure into more human and understandable codes.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Stefan Brandys, Dipl. Designer
  • Colin Hughes, Dipl. Designer
  • Pollak Chris, Dipl. Designer


Deutschland, 2000

Eingabe des Beitrags

Chris Pollak, 18.10.2002


  • Forschungsprojekt


  • Themen:
    • Kommunikation |
    • Informationsarchitektur |
    • Datamining |
    • Knowledge Management |
    • Community |
    • Hypermedia |
    • Datenbank |
    • Soziale Systeme |
    • Wissensräume |
    • Interaktivität |
    • Information |
    • Datenraum |
    • Interface |
    • Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion HCI |
    • Kollaboration |
    • Groupware |
    • Informationsdesign |
    • Design |
    • Vernetzung |
    • Internet |
    • Graphische Benutzeroberfläche GUI |
    • Selbstorganisation
  • Formate:
    • interaktiv |
    • Computergraphik |
    • Internet |
    • vernetzt
  • Technik:
    • Shockwave |
    • Datenbank
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» [link 03]