Cyrus F Nourani

Agent Computing and Situation Aware Intelligent Multimedia

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Situaiton Aware Medien Science

Agent computing is introduced to interactive intelligent multimedia. An overview to a practical agent computing model based on beliefs, intentions, and desire is presented and possible augmentation to intelligent multimedia is explored. (Nilsson-Genesereth 1987) introduces agent architectures. A specific agent might have internal state set I, which the agent can distinguish its membership. The agent can transit from each internal state to another in a single step. With our multi-board model agent actions are based on I and board observations. There is an external state set S, modulated to a set T of distinguishable subsets from the observation viewpoint.
A sensory function s :S ® T maps each state to the partition it belongs. Let A be a set of actions which can be performed by agents. A function action can be defined to characterise an agent activity action:T ®A There is also a memory update function mem: I x T® I.
Dynamics and situation compatibility in introduced as a structural way to compute and compare epistemic states. Worlds, epistemics, and cognition for androids are introduced with precise statements. The foundations are applied to present a brief on Computational Illusion, affective computing, and Virtual Reality. KR for AI Worlds, and Computable Worlds are presented with diagrams. Cognitive modeling is briefed with an introduction to ordinal dynamics. A preview to computational epistemology with cardinality and concept descriptions is introduced.
Deduction models and perceptual computing is presented with a new perspective. Intelligent multimedia interfaces are an important component to the practical computational aspects. Visual context and objects are presented with multiagent intelligent multimedia. Context abstraction and met-contextual reasoning is introduced as a new field. Mulltiagent visual multi-board planning is introduced as a basis to intelligent multimedia with applications to spatial computing.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Cyrus F Nourani, Prof. Dr., ProjectMetaai


Vereinigte Staaten, 1999-2002

Partner / Sponsoren



Agent computing is introduced to interactive intelligent multimedia. An overview to a practical agent computing model based on beliefs, intentions, and desire is presented and possible augmentation to intelligent multimedia is explored.A specific agent might have internal state set I, which the agent can distinguish its membership. The agent can transit from each internal state to another in a single step. With our multi-board model agent actions are based on I and board observations. There is an external state set S, modulated to a set T of distinguishable subsets from the observation viewpoint.
A sensory function s :S ---> T maps each state to the partition it belongs. Let A be a set of actions which can be performed by agents. A function action can be defined to characterise an agent activity action:T --->A There is also a memory update function mem: I x T ---> I.
Dynamics and situation compatibility in introduced as a structural way to compute and compare epistemic states. Worlds, epistemics, and cognition for androids are introduced with precise statements. The foundations are applied to present a brief on Computational Illusion, affective computing, and Virtual Reality. KR for AI Worlds, and Computable Worlds are presented with diagrams. Cognitive modeling is briefed with an introduction to ordinal dynamics. A preview to computational epistemology with cardinality and concept descriptions is introduced.
Deduction models and perceptual computing is presented with a new perspective. Intelligent multimedia interfaces are an important component to the practical computational aspects. Visual context and objects are presented with multiagent intelligent multimedia. Context abstraction and met-contextual reasoning is introduced as a new field. Mulltiagent visual multi-board planning is introduced as a basis to intelligent multimedia with applications to spatial computing.

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 15.06.2002


  • Bildung und Lernen


  • Themen:
    • Immersion |
    • Visual Effects |
    • Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
    • Multi-Agenten-Systeme |
    • Augmented Reality |
    • Virtuelle Realität
  • Formate:
    • Virtuelles Environment |
    • Projektion
  • Technik:
    • Virtual Studio

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