oliver kauselmann, thorsten kloepfer

paragrounds - the paranormal underground of wonderland

hyperrealistic future city fiction

city scene [link 01]

city scene



future city fiction. the story is based on an idea of a paragroundworld where ex-superheros spend their desillusioned life. movie in hyperrealistic images with different elements combined like animated digi-pics of herofigures, 3d renderings, and imagesearch photographic elements. the scenepictures are showing sequences of their everydaylifestruggle. the project is planned as longtermseries of episodes from the paranormal underground of wonderland. Any similarities to living or dead persons or real life tragedies are coincidental.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • oliver kauselmann
  • thorsten kloepfer


Deutschland, 2002

Partner / Sponsoren

supporting art professor: philip pocock

Eingabe des Beitrags

oliver kauselmann, 30.05.2002


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Mixed Reality |
    • Hypermedia |
    • Identität |
    • Augmented Reality |
    • Künstliches Leben
  • Formate:
    • Montage |
    • Film |
    • Computeranimation |
    • Video
  • Technik:
    • Flash |
    • Blue Box |
    • Digitales Video
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» http://www.onesandzeros.de/paragrounds [link 03]

  • › drastic action [JPEG | 11 KB ] [link 04]
  • › hyperview [JPEG | 8 KB ] [link 05]