enrico mitrovich

Obsolescence of G.U.I.(graphical user interface)

Paintings, digital images & fragments of literature





My graphic work revolves around the visual relationship we have with some applications' images (scan disk / defrag) and some arcade versions of videogames (Pac Man / Centipede).
In technical terms the relationship between the user and the application's graphic representation is called the G.U.I. (graphical user interface).
The paintings' titles are followed by the acronym
W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. (What You See Is What You Get) as a subtitle. This is to emphasize that a simplified mode should be used to interact with the application. "I look at an application for months; then its interface becomes obsolete
and is replaced by a new version of the application which forces me to change the hardware too" - thanks Bill.
Therefore, in much the same way as people looked at bucolic landscapes in the past, nowadays we often look at video images. And these are the visions I graphically reinterpret, in the form I remember them.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Italien, 1995


» http://galleria.clab.it/

Eingabe des Beitrags

enrico mitrovich, 30.05.2002



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