Dr. Clemens Lango

visuos - a visuospatial operating software for knowledge work

'visuos' started off as a research project funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation). It is the doctoral thesis of Dr. Dipl.-Des. Clemens Lango. presentation online at: http://www.visuos.com *note* password for login is 'sparks'

'visuos - a visuospatial operating software for knowledge work' - screenshot of the interface

'visuos - a visuospatial operating software for knowledge work' - screenshot of the interface


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visuos - a visuospatial operating software for knowledge work

Today’s knowledge workers have access to practically endless amounts of information resources. However, this information alone is not of use when it cannot be effectively accessed and organized. Today’s solutions are a collection of heterogeneous, inconsistent separate environments that are not optimized for efficiency in higher workflows that are typical of knowledge work.

visuos is the concept of an operating software for knowledge work. It efficiently covers various forms of access to knowledge spaces, including for example knowledge management, information retrieval/ research/ refinement, monitoring of knowledge resources and automation and scheduling of tasks. It is a highly usable system for a broad target group – from novice to expert. Its modular structure allows the user to adapt the system to his specific degree of experience and his individual form of access to knowledge spaces. The modules are integrated by a holistic conceptual model that allows effective workflows with minimum friction.

The benefits of the system include a completely novel functionality, new workflows, a maximized target group, higher efficiency and productivity and a greater degree of user confidence.




Germany, 1987-2002


» http://www.visuos.co…r login is: 'sparks']


lango@interactiondesign.de, May 27, 2002



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