Cyrus F  Nourani

Musik, Trees, and Infinitary Computations

Opus II Musik Morpheus

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Sound Trees, Music Signatures,
and Infinitary Computations

Abstract New tree computing techniques and an algebraic computing theory defining recursion tree amplification is put forth The infinitary language category Lw1,B had been defined by the author since 1994. A functorial model theory can define the formal semantics for computation with Lw1,B. A preliminary recursive computing theory is defined on the categories defining recursion tree amplification. The Amplification Principle, TAP, is put forth based on relating a minimal function set F to a recursion theoretic amplificatication, defining computing efficiency by minimizations. The synthesizer is defined with categorical equalizers similar to sound stereo systems. The computing techniques are a basis for a High Fidelity computing theory, with amplification, equalizers, and filters.
Preliminaries to image moprh couplers were presented on informal IMK communications.
Keywords Tree Amplification, Music Signatures, Abstract Recursion, Infinitary Language Categories, Functorial Model Theory, Categorical Computing.

The TAP Principle The trees welcomed into the computations by the choice F, are amplified by recursion Computational efficiency could be defined by amplification minimization.

Measures for computational complexity based on TAP could be defined, thus allowing us to base the selection on the computing model and the computing that is intended to minimize gain, thus have efficient computation.

As an example the function f(x,y) = f(g(x),h(x,y)) defined in terms of functions g and h is computed as follows.
For terms t1, and t2 taken,
f(t1,t2) sends out f(g(t1),f(g(t1), h(t11,t2))
/\ /\
/ \ / \
/ t'1 \ / t'2 \

terms with g's and h's are put out. The t1' and t2'
are then taken on, putting out the trees depicted below

g /
/\ /
f / \/
/\ /\ /\/
/ \ /\ / \ /
f( /\ , /\ ) Þ g(/ \) , h(/ \, / \) Þ/
/ \ / \
/ t'1 \ / t'2 \

The peak are modulated by the specific signature functions.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Cyrus F  Nourani, Prof. Dr., ProjectMetaai


Vereinigte Staaten, 1999-2003

Partner / Sponsoren


Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 26.05.2002


  • Kulturprojekt


  • Themen:
    • Musik |
    • Audio |
    • Design
  • Formate:
    • Modell |
    • Audio
  • Technik:
    • Virtual Studio

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