Cyrus F Nourani


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Art Creativity, Impressions, and Perception

Cyrus F Nourani

Art Exibits by Hellmut J Issels


A morph Illusion logic basis to art perception is presented. Model discovery with morph Gentzen and computational illusion is discerned by applying the author's 1994 computational basis, which straddles Hiedegger and the enlightenment dialectics to present a computational epistemology. The applications to Impressionsts and modern art perceptions are presented. The morph perception creative thoughts applications to intelligent multimedia are novel paradigms which might be new bases for intelligent motion picture design and digital art.

Keywords IM, Motion Picture Creation, Multiagent AI Computing, Multimedia, Intelligent Languages, Model Diagrams, Context Abstraction, Intelligent Syntax, Computational Epistemology

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Cyrus F Nourani


Deutschland, 1999-2002

Partner / Sponsoren


Art Creativity, Impressions, and Perception

A morph Illusion logic basis to art perception is presented. Model discovery with morph Gentzen and computational illusion is discerned by applying the author's 1994 computational basis, which straddles Hiedegger and the enlightenment dialectics to present a computational epistemology. The applications to Impressionsts and modern art perceptions are presented. The morph perception creative thoughts applications to intelligent multimedia are novel paradigms which might be new bases for intelligent motion picture design and digital art.

Keywords IM, Motion Picture Creation, Multiagent AI Computing, Multimedia, Intelligent Languages, Model Diagrams, Context Abstraction, Intelligent Syntax, Computational Epistemology

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 12.05.2002


  • Kulturprojekt


  • Themen:
    • Visual Effects |
    • Wahrnehmung |
    • Morphing |
    • Künstliche Intelligenz |
    • Künstliches Leben
  • Formate:
    • Modell
  • Technik:
    • Virtual Studio

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