Cyrus F Nourani

IT Medien Intelligenz

1998-2000 ProjectMetaai und Universitat Auckland MSIS 2000-2002 ProjecMetaai

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Agent Computing, KB For Intelligent Forecasting, and Model Discovery for Knowledge Management

Cyrus F. Nourani
Revised June 1998

Abstract Multiagent business objects and Intelligent Multimedia applications for for Management Science and IT are defined. Amongst the areas are agent computing, modern portfolios, heterogeneous computing, business objects, intelligent databases, intelligent objects, and decision science. A new view to MIS with agent computing and intelligent multimedia is presented. Interaction amongst heterogeneous computing resources are via objects, multiagent AI and agent intelligent languages. New applications to business with intelligent object languages are presented in brief. Intelligent multimedia and the new Morph Gentzen logic from [Nourani 97a] are applied as a preliminary basis for to forecasting. We present a brief overview to new KR techniques with G-diagrams and applications to define computable models and relevant world reasoning. G-diagrams are applied to KR to define localized keying to models and as a minimal efficient computable way for knowledge management.

Keywords Design with Software Agents, Computing Agents and Business Objects, Multiagent AI Techniques, Intelligent Business Objects and Design, Intelligent Forecasting, Stage-Composable Modules, Intelligent Multimedia, Knowledge Management

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Cyrus F Nourani, Projekt Director and Prof., Project Metaai and Universitat Auckland


Vereinigte Staaten, 1998-2002

Partner / Sponsoren

1998-2000 Associate Univesitat Auckland MSIS


Agent Computing, KB For Intelligent Forecasting, and Model Discovery for Knowledge Management

Cyrus F. Nourani
Revised June 1998

Abstract Multiagent business objects and Intelligent Multimedia applications for for Management Science and IT are defined. Amongst the areas are agent computing, modern portfolios, heterogeneous computing, business objects, intelligent databases, intelligent objects, and decision science. A new view to MIS with agent computing and intelligent multimedia is presented. Interaction amongst heterogeneous computing resources are via objects, multiagent AI and agent intelligent languages. New applications to business with intelligent object languages are presented in brief. Intelligent multimedia and the new Morph Gentzen logic from the author's 1997 publications applied as a preliminary basis for to forecasting. We present a brief overview to new KR techniques with G-diagrams and applications to define computable models and relevant world reasoning. G-diagrams are applied to KR to define localized keying to models and as a minimal efficient computable way for knowledge management.

Keywords Design with Software Agents, Computing Agents and Business Objects, Multiagent AI Techniques, Intelligent Business Objects and Design, Intelligent Forecasting, Stage-Composable Modules, Intelligent Multimedia, Knowledge Management

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 11.05.2002


  • kommerzielles Projekt


  • Themen:
    • Repräsentation |
    • Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
    • Design |
    • Informationsdesign |
    • Knowledge Management |
    • Multi-Agenten-Systeme
  • Formate:
    • Software |
    • Modell |
    • Objekt
  • Technik:
    • Virtual Studio

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

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  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» http://www.dreamwater,net/biz/crisfn [link 03]

  • › It Medien Intelligenz [Microsoft® Word | 100 KB ] [link 04]
  • › Interfaces [Microsoft® Word | 160 KB ] [link 05]