Cyrus F Nourani

TAIM Intelligent Database and Models





Model Discovery with the
TAIM Intelligent Database

Cyrus F. Nourani

Abstract Intelligent multimedia provides a basis as briefed here for designing adaptive databases with agents, multimedia and intelligent business objects with applications to intelligent WWW interfaces. The field of automated learning and discovery has obvious financial and organizational memory applications. There are basic applications to data discovery techniques with intelligence multimedia databases. The game trees are applied to train and reach onto models via learning to discover models from DM. The computing model is based on a novel competitive learning with agent multiplayer game tree planning. The computing techniques, the Morph Gentzen deductive system and its models are applied towards an active multimedia database warehousing, model discovery, and customizing interface design. Intelligent visual computing paradigms are applied to define the multimedia computing paradigm and active databases. The Intelligent Multimedia paradigms can be applied to databases and querey processing applications to stocks.

Keywords IM, Multiagent AI Computing, Hybrid Pictures, Active Databases, Intelligent Multimedia Database

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Vereinigte Staaten, 2000-2003

Partner / Sponsoren





Model Discovery with the
TAIM Intelligent Database

Cyrus F. Nourani

Abstract Intelligent multimedia provides a basis as briefed here for designing adaptive databases with agents, multimedia and intelligent business objects with applications to intelligent WWW interfaces. The field of automated learning and discovery has obvious financial and organizational memory applications. There are basic applications to data discovery techniques with intelligence multimedia databases. The game trees are applied to train and reach onto models via learning to discover models from DM. The computing model is based on a novel competitive learning with agent multiplayer game tree planning. The computing techniques, the Morph Gentzen deductive system and its models are applied towards an active multimedia database warehousing, model discovery, and customizing interface design. Intelligent visual computing paradigms are applied to define the multimedia computing paradigm and active databases. The Intelligent Multimedia paradigms can be applied to databases and querey processing applications to stocks.

Keywords IM, Multiagent AI Computing, Hybrid Pictures, Active Databases, Intelligent Multimedia Database

Eingabe des Beitrags

Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, 08.05.2002



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