hendrik wendler


watch all 37 shahespeare plays simultaniously!

he´s not [link 01]

he´s not



So, whats this about?

Remember the Bauhaus? The „Ballet Mécanique“? The beginning of the last century, when truth and perception, rules and traditions were challenged and questioned? When music freed itself from tonality, when poetry refused to make any sense any longer?

That expressionistic and avantgardistic days Oskar Schlemmer created the „triadic ballet“. When he felt „too modern“ to paint, he discovered the stage to be the appropriate media to be „new, abstract, ...everything!“ – and created the geometric actor.
Heavily influenced, Kurt Schmidt answered with the „mechanic ballet“ – Moholy-Nagy topped him with the „mechanic excentriciy“, both trying to achieve total abstaction by introducing a completely mechanistic choreography!

So go, get it: planethamlet, 37 shakespeare plays running simultaniously, with script generated actors, computed stages and dramaturgy disgorging algorithms, leading a classic into a completely synthetic metronomic puppetry. And realize, we have already mechanized our world as far as it will go.
We find ourselves back again in the quest for chaos, liveliness and unpredictability. But watch the people watching it: „Great!,“ they say, „and now the king should have a crown, and the guards should be blue, and...“!
Sometimes its really funny to observe the audience reinventing the classic theatre again – and yet its fun to imagine, where there could be points of contact, where the audience, where everybody could interact -chatting, posting, sketching, dragging or dropping- and perform the liveliness again, they were looking for.

Planethamlet came into existence in January 2002, when i found Jon Bosaks library of XML examples. Amongst the bible, the quran and the book of mormons there were shakespeares plays in XML syntax. So i experimented with the machine readability of XML and combined it with the animation features of VRML.
The Site itself should be selfdescriptive: just sit back and watch all plays simultaniously, or click on one of the stages to see just that play. Pageup/ pagedown switches between the plays, the escape key returns to the overview position. There may be bugs, especially in the interpretation of the plays, but i left them purposely: basically they verify the concept.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • hendrik wendler


Deutschland, 2002

Eingabe des Beitrags

hendrik wendler, 26.03.2002


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Immersion |
    • Netzkunst |
    • Visual Effects |
    • Konzeptuelle Arbeit |
    • Medienkunst |
    • Animation |
    • Performance Kunst |
    • Geschichte |
    • Artistic Software |
    • Echtzeit-Rendering |
    • Cultural Studies |
    • Virtuelle Realität
  • Formate:
    • 3D |
    • interaktiv |
    • Internet
  • Technik:
    • VRML |

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • shakespeare
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» http://www.spatialkn…rojects/planethamlet/ [link 03]

  • › short description [PDF | 182 KB ] [link 04]