Martina Leeker

Interdisciplinary Workshops between media and theatre

artists as a means of cultural education

Presentation of a performance in an interactive environment of the atelier "Interactive Performance" in the summer academy in Hellerau (Foto: documentationgroup summer academy, Montage: Irina Kaldrack) [link 01]

Presentation of a performance in an interactive environment of the atelier "Interactive Performance" in the summer academy in Hellerau (Foto: documentationgroup summer academy, Montage: Irina Kaldrack)



Co-operative workshops between theatre and media artists realised since 1999 show, that the performative use of technology can have today three functions in a cultural education of competencies in dealing with digitally supported realities. These are (1) the training of the body as a fluid medium, (2) the construction and the embodiment of a transitory identity and (3) the reflection of this human self-understanding, which is enabled by the ambivalence of the present concept of performativity, constituted on the one hand out of a contingent and transitive and on the other hand out of an intentional process of acting.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Martina Leeker, transARTES Berlin


Deutschland, 1999-2001

Partner / Sponsoren

Europäische Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur Hellerau e.V., Choreographishes Zentrum NRW and transARTES Berlin, Academy for Live Arts, Media and Culture.

Eingabe des Beitrags

Martina Leeker, 15.06.2001


  • Kulturprojekt



Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • transitory identity |
  • Technical history of man |
  • performativity of performance |
  • transitory body |
  • performativity of technology
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 02]
  • › PDF File [457 KB ] [link 03]