Weidong Geng, Vladimir Elistratov, Marina Kolesnik, …

Perceptual User Interface for Human-Computer Interaction

Cyberwheel Prototype - Integrated Interface for Public Space [link 01]

Cyberwheel Prototype - Integrated Interface for Public Space



In this paper we present our effort towards perceptual user interface for main interaction tasks, such as navigation/travel, selection/picking and personal data access, in e-commerce environment. A set of intuitive navigation devices, including Treadmill, Virtual Balance and Cyberwheel, are described and evaluated for web/public space. Vision-based pointing is explored for free-hand selection/picking, and wireless personal access system is developed for unobtrusive transmission of personal information from hand-held devices. Furthermore, we implement an integrated interaction platform, which could couple these devices together in complex scenarios such as portals for shopping.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Weidong Geng, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab
  • Vladimir Elistratov, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab
  • Marina Kolesnik, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab
  • Thomas Kulessa, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab
  • Wolfgang Strauss, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK, MARS-Exploratory Media Lab


Deutschland, 2000-2001

Eingabe des Beitrags

Weidong Geng, 15.06.2001


  • Forschungsprojekt



Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Perceptual User Interface |
  • 3D Interaction |
  • Human-computer Interface
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 02]

» http://imk.gmd.de/mars [link 03]

  • › PDF File [1 MB ] [link 04]