Maurice Benayoun

From Virtual to Public Space

Toward an Impure Art

World Skin, 1997, M. Benayoun, J.-B. Barrière, Z-A, AEC, SGI.

World Skin, 1997, M. Benayoun, J.-B. Barrière, Z-A, AEC, SGI.



The digital world, with the development of the Internet, leads to consider the end of boundaries in terms of writing space. We are used to saying that political and geographical frontiers have been erased by the upcoming of the Internet, that pictures, text, music, animation film and interactive media are now parts of the same workspace. Outside the Internet there is a limit brandished as the ultimate banner: the limit between the virtual and the real. This goes with the limits between Art and crafts, real life and illusion, tea and milk…

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Deutschland, 1997-2001



Eingabe des Beitrags

Maurice Benayoun, 15.06.2001



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