Irina Kaldrack

Multimedia in Education

Encounter of Theatre and Technology and Discursive Learning

Interactive Performance with BigEye

Interactive Performance with BigEye

Media Files


The CD-ROM "Interfaces - Interaktion - Performance. Zur Anwendung digitaler Technik im Theater" ("Interfaces - Interaction - Performance. About the use of digital technology in theatre"), part of the publication "Maschinen, Medien, Performances. Theater an der Schnittstelle zu digitalen Welten" ("Machines, Media, Performances. Theatre as interface to digital worlds") offers an introduction in frequently used interface systems as well as the different discourses linked to the field of theatre/performance and digital technology based on the use of interactive interfaces. Different artistic examples visualise the aesthetic operationalization of specific technologies in relation to the intentions of artists and to the different discourses, in which they are embedded.

Artists / Authors


Germany, 2000-2001

Partners / Sponsors

Europäische Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur Hellerau e.V., transARTES Berlin, Academy for Live Arts, Media and Culture, German Federal Ministry for Education and Science


Irina Kaldrack, Jun 15, 2001



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