Patrick Meister

Pollock In Action

“Pollock In Action” is an interactive installation to create drip paintings with light.

The kids liked it a lot (Photo: Alex Robert) [link 01]

The kids liked it a lot (Photo: Alex Robert)



„When painting, I’m in the image“, Jackson Pollock said. „The image has a life of its own“. He dripped, splattered color onto the canvas in fluid, dance-like motions. Not having a final image in mind. On the images actions took place, nothing was illustrated.
„Pollock in action“ tries to re-interpret Pollocks style of painting with new technologies. Projected light replaces the fluid colors. The movements of the brush are captured with a camera and a computer. Combining this data with accelerometers in the brush gives an motion sequence, which gets translated into drippings.
Like he said, Jackson Pollocks images didn’t have a beginning nor an end. He was never afraid to change, transform or destroy his image.
For more Info see also:

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Patrick Meister, Student, ZHDK


Schweiz, 2006-2007

Partner / Sponsoren

Kunsthaus Zürich (

Eingabe des Beitrags

Patrick Meister, 29.11.2007


  • Bildung und Lernen


  • Themen:
    • Interface |
    • Augmented Reality
  • Formate:
    • Installation |
    • interaktiv
  • Technik:
    • Drahtlose Kommunikation |
    • Gesture Recognition

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste



Inhaltliche Beschreibung

„Wenn ich male, befinde ich mich im Bild.“, so Jackson Pollock. „Das Bild hat sein eigenes Leben“. Mit flüssigen Bewegungen goss, schleuderte, tropfte, spritzte er Farbe auf die Leinwand, ohne eine bestimmte Vorstellung des Motivs im Sinn zu haben. Auf dem Bild fanden Aktionen statt, er drückte sich aus, illustrierte nicht.
„Pollock in action“ versucht den Malstil von Pollock mit aktuellen Technologien neu zu interpretieren. Projiziertes Licht ersetzt die flüssige Farbe. Die Bewegungen des Pinsels werden von einem Computer verfolgt, und mithilfe von Beschleunigungssensoren als Bewegungsablauf erfasst.
Jackson Pollocks Bilder hatten, wie er selber sagte, keinen Anfang und kein Ende. Er hatte nie Angst, seine Bilder zu verändern oder sie zu zerstören. Zögern Sie also nicht, selbst den Pinsel in die Hand zu nehmen und der Leinwand Leben einzuhauchen.

Das von den Besuchern gemeinsam geschaffene Bild samt seiner Entstehung und Transformation können Sie sich auf ansehen.

Verwendete Sensoren/Technologie: dreiachsiger Beschleunigungsensor, Drucksensoren, Video-Tracking.


  • › Artikel im Tages Anzeiger vom 29. Januar 2007 [PDF | 2 MB ] [link 02]
  • › Debug mode processing sketch [JPEG | 23 KB ] [link 03]
  • › Early prototype of the brush [JPEG | 2 MB ] [link 04]
  • › Early prototype of the paint bucket [633 KB ] [link 05]
  • › testing... [JPEG | 218 KB ] [link 06]
  • › the brush was made from wood [JPEG | 422 KB ] [link 07]

Technische Beschreibung

Video Tracking:
An old Sony Handycam in Nightshot-mode, an infrared filter and a infrared LED in the brush made it easy to track the brightest pixel in the image.

Paint buckets:
To sense when the brush is in the paint bucket I used very sensitive pressue/touch sensors.
An Arduino microcontroller board is connected to the USB-port of the computer (serial) and sends the bucket information.

The brush:
Made from wood, filled with: an Arduino Mini, an EasyRadio RF transceiver to communicate with the computer, an accelerometer to sense to movements of the brush, 2 RGB-LEDs to glow in many colors, an infrared LED to be seen by the camera, and a battery-pack (4x 1,5V AAA, lasted >6h).

The computer is attached to another EasyRadio Transceiver keep in touch with the brush. The RF module was connected to USB via a serial/usb converter. The computer sends the chosen color to the brush, and the brush answers with the accelerometer data.

Made with Processing. Video Tracking, communications and visualization run all in the same Processing sketch. Actionpainting algorithm partly taken from Stamen, Splatter,
©2003 Michal Migurski, Stamen Design and translated from Actionscript to Java/Processing by me. I modified the splatter code so it could react on accelerometer data.

Hardware / Software

Arduino-Board, Arduino-Mini Board, Pressure-Sensors, RGB-LEDs, Accelerometer (ST-Microelectronics), EasyRadio RF-Transmitters, Sony Handycam, Nesc Projector, Apple MacPro.

Arduino-Software for the microcontrollers. Processing ( for video tracking, motion tracking and visuals.

» http://www.extrapixe…06/pollock-in-action/ [link 08]

  • › Artikel im Tages Anzeiger vom 29. Januar 2007 [PDF | 2 MB ] [link 09]
  • › In Action (Photo: Alex Robert) [JPEG | 3 MB ] [link 10]
  • › setup [JPEG | 706 KB ] [link 11]
  • › in action [JPEG | 3 MB ] [link 12]
  • › The paint buckets [319 KB ] [link 13]
  • › Debug mode processing sketch [JPEG | 23 KB ] [link 14]
  • › Early prototype of the brush [JPEG | 2 MB ] [link 15]
  • › Early prototype of the paint bucket [633 KB ] [link 16]
  • › testing... [JPEG | 218 KB ] [link 17]
  • › the brush was made from wood [JPEG | 422 KB ] [link 18]