Ron Wakkary, Kristina Andersen, Jussi Holopainen


Gossip and Multi-User Narratives

Flow diagram for the reGossip user-interface. The diagram represents the overall reGossip system, including a meta-level and game level. Note the concurrence of multiple instances of reGossip games at the game level

Flow diagram for the reGossip user-interface. The diagram represents the overall reGossip system, including a meta-level and game level. Note the concurrence of multiple instances of reGossip games at the game level



This paper is about a research project known as reGossip. reGossip is a network game about gossip and social status. The multi-modal network includes mobile phones, personal digital assistants, and desktop computing systems. The paper describes the interaction model, the game design and system design of reGossip, preliminary results and next steps. The primary research question is can an interaction design platform be created to author "multi-user narratives”.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Deutschland, 2000-2001

Eingabe des Beitrags

Ron Wakkary, 15.06.2001



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