Karin Søndergaard, Kjell Yngve Petersen, Åke Parmerud

Augmented Reality Project

part 1 - situations for augmented relationships

Smile in Motion

Smile in Motion




We intend to investigate the possibilities of Augmented Reality through three basic concepts, which are distinctive in their placement within the social realm: 1/ relations between people — 2/ the person in relation to constructed interactive spatiality — 3/ installations as an agent in public space. The project is divided into three phases. Each phase is manifested in a collection of works.Part 1, 1998-2000, Situations for augmented relationships: "Smiles in Motion”, "Mirrechophone”, "I Think You-You Think Me”. Part 2, 2001-2003, Constructed Interactive Spatiality: working titles: "Wishing Well”, "Baby Shoal”, "Mannequins and a Landscape of Flesh”, "Social Space”. Part 3, 2003-2005, Sensory sculpture in public space, working title: "Democratic Hybrid Sculpture Complex”

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen


Deutschland, 1998-2000


» http://www.boxiganga.dk

Eingabe des Beitrags

kjell yngve petersen, 15.06.2001



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