Hannah Perner-Wilson


Using electric shock for visual interaction

Interface Cultures@Ars Electronica 2006, Linz/ Austria [link 01]

Interface Cultures@Ars Electronica 2006, Linz/ Austria



This piece was first made as decoration for a party with an Austrian theme. Cows and electric fences are both typical Austrian things to me and this installation presents nostalgic Austrian childhood memories to be experienced again.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Hannah Perner-Wilson


Oesterreich, 2006-2007

Eingabe des Beitrags

Hannah Perner-Wilson, 23.10.2007
hannah@plusea.at [link 02]


  • Bildung und Lernen


  • Themen:
    • Interaktivität
  • Formate:
    • Installation
  • Technik:
    • Java

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Cows |
  • Projection |
  • Electric-shock


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

How it works:
A real electric fence is set up in front of the projection of cows strolling across the field. If the user touches the fence and receives a shock this is measured by a sensor and causes the visuals to change.

COWSinTHEfield was possible thanks to the patient help with measuring impulses from Laurent Mignonneau, the loan of a High Voltage Probe from LeCroy Austria and for the use of Austrian landscape photography thanks to Flickr users and my family.


Hardware / Software

- energizer (7500 volt pulses that do not harm humans)
- 4 fence posts and stands
- 2x3 meters of fake or real green grass
- a/d converter (works as antenni/sensor)
- java applets that visually react to sensor input (programmed in processing)
- pc or mac computer that runs java
- projector
- ground (electrical connection)


Ausstellungen / Präsentationen

  • First presentation with 2 beamers and real grass but no interaction at "Hob nur G'schaut" Industrial Design/ Scionic Party in the underground parking lot in Linz/ Urfahr
  • Second Presentation with interaction by touching the fence but no electric shock, at the anniversary celebration of Artifex in the OK Center, Linz
    » http://www.artifex.cc/ [link 03]
  • Exhibition of the working concept at the Interface Cultures@ARS Electronica 2006 Festival, Linz
    » http://www.aec.at/de….asp?iProjectID=13483 [link 04]
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 05]

» http://plusea.at/projects.php?work=27 [link 06]

  • › Interface Cultures@Ars Electronica 2006, Linz/ Austria [JPEG | 8 KB ] [link 07]
  • › Interface Cultures@Ars Electronica 2006, Linz/ Austria [JPEG | 12 KB ] [link 08]
  • › Interface Cultures@Ars Electronica 2006, Linz/ Austria [JPEG | 28 KB ] [link 09]