Tania Ruiz Gutierrez

Morphoscopy of the Transient

Weaving a spatio-temporal object [link 01]

Weaving a spatio-temporal object



This paper presents an installation of digital video tableaux, issuing from an experimental approach to the problem of representing the passage of time in a unified, instantaneous image. The works presented here explore, literally, the depth of the temporal dimension of the video images. To produce the tableaux, animation and tri-dimensional data visualization methods are applied to the raw video images. Afterwards, video compositions are created where the montage is reconsidered as much in the graphic as in the cinematographic sense of the term. One of the fundamental characteristics of the digital environments is the theoretical absence of spatial or temporal boundaries. This specific property stimulates the deconstruction of the representational models of the traditional film montage and opens motion pictures to fields formerly reserved for “spatial arts”.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Tania Ruiz Gutierrez, Independent artist/Doctoral student in Art & Sciences of Art. Université Paris I, Université Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, Frankreich


Frankreich, 2000-2001

Partner / Sponsoren

Université Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, Frankreich

Eingabe des Beitrags

Tania RUIZ, 15.06.2001


  • künstlerische Arbeit



Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Spatio-temporal digital video objects. Experimental aesthetics. Composition. Montage. Lithochronic. Photodynamic
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 02]
  • › PDF File [519 KB ] [link 03]